How often to use a credit card to keep it still open
How often to use a credit card to keep it still open# Money - 海外理财
【 以下文字转载自 CivilEngineering 讨论区 】
发信人: yalinger (已经告别孤独), 信区: CivilEngineering
标 题: Please give me suggestions for my career path.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 31 12:28:41 2010, 美东)
Hello, everyone,
I will graduate soon from Michigan State University, and I am looking for
new positions. Right now I am a little confused about my career path.
Description below is my brief introduction. I do not know which field is
better to fit me, and please give me any suggestion as you like. Any reply
is highly appreciated.
I obtained my bachelor and master degree in civil engineering, and I will
obtain my Ph.D. degree soon in civil engineering. I had 2 years of
experience as field engineer, mainly for construction monitoring of internal
force and structural displacement in bridge projects and excavation, some
experience in GIS and GPS survey.
Right now I work for half a year at Department of Police & Public Safety as
part-time job with title Engineer I. I mainly work on highway geometric
design, drainage design, traffic data collection and management, and traffic
control. I have work experience for transportation standards like AASHTO
and MUTCD.
As a student at MSU, I had lab one year experience for AMRL (AASHTO Material
Reference Lab), mainly for material properties of soil, aggregate and
asphalt concrete. I did many tests following AASHTO and ASTM standards. I
took many courses in geotechnical engineering and pavement engineering. I
have knowledge in shallow foundation, pile foundation, retaining wall, and
slope stability analysis.
I took many courses in solid mechanics, and I did a lot of research in
finite element method/analysis (FEM). I have 4 years of research experience
in static/dynamic analysis by implicit/explicit method. My PhD dissertation
is related to computer algorithm and programming in MATLAB, which requires a
lot of basic knowledge in mechanical engineering, including wave
propagation and structural dynamics. I programmed about 2000 lines for my
In summary, I have potential directions in structural engineering (bridge
inspection), geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering and
mechanical engineering. I am qualified for any direction as entry-level
engineer, but I am not an expert in any field. If I do not have any
preference in personal interest, and I only concern the possibility of
finding a job, which field I should go?
Thank you very much for your time and effort. Please comment or send me
email as you like. Thanks a lot.
1. If not using a credit card regularly, how often shall I use it in
order to keep it from becoming closed and prevent anything else that is bad
I have a Citi Dividend World MasterCard.
2. I also have a Chase Amazon card, and a Macy American Express credit card.
I haven't used these two cards for a long long time. But they still send me
new cards once the cards expire. Don't they close cards with no activity
for a certain amount of time?
I use once a year, to charge some small amount