BigCrumbs has moved to MainStreetSHARES (转载)
BigCrumbs has moved to MainStreetSHARES (转载)# Money - 海外理财
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: ms12 (May), 信区: Seattle
标 题: BigCrumbs has moved to MainStreetSHARES
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 29 20:38:48 2015, 美东)
Go beyond simple cash back. Turn your shopping into an investment in you.
What's MainStreetSHARES®
MainStreetSHARES® is a new service from the company that brought you for over 9.5 years.
Instead of cash back when shopping at top online stores like Target, Walmart
, and eBay, with MainStreetSHARES® you now earn a share of all company
revenue, based on your total monthly spending. This includes shopping
commissions, advertising, and new revenue streams as the company adds
products and services. MainStreetSHARES® members also earn lifetime
referral commissions when their referrals shop.
Best yet, you'll also earn virtual shares called msSHARES® when you and
your referrals shop through MainStreetSHARES®. In the event that
MainStreetSHARES® is acquired, you'll receive a cash payout, based on
the number of msSHARES® you've earned.
You (yes, you) have helped to turn Facebook and many others into multi-
billion dollar companies. You can easily do the same with MainStreetSHARES
174;. The difference is, MainStreetSHARES® shares the wealth you help
to create with you!
Why the move to MainStreetSHARES®?
Our misssion has always been to provide you with an opportunity to share the
wealth you help to generate for others everyday. MainStreetSHARES®
gives us a chance to fully execute that mission. Instead of an emphasis on
simple savings, the emphasis at MainStreetSHARES® is on earning a share
of the total value that you help to create.
For instance, the only reason we can sell advertising to our retail partners
is because of you. So we want to share that revenue with you. And, as our
company's value continues to grow, that's because of you too. So, in the
event of a multi-billion dollar acquisition, we believe you deserve a share.
Getting Started
MainStreetSHARES® is free and easy...
Non-BigCrumbs Members: If you were not a member of BigCrumbs, then simply
visit MainStreetSHARES®, take a look around, and sign up! Yes, it's 100
% free.
BigCrumbs Members: If you were a member of BigCrumbs, then your account has
already been transferred to MainStreetSHARES®, and there's no need to
sign up again! You'll have the same User ID, e-mail address, etc. as you did
at BigCrumbs. So, simply visit MainStreetSHARES® and reset your
password to get started!
For BigCrumbs Members, there are a few more things we want you to know!
The biggest difference at MainStreetSHARES® is that, instead of
cash back, you earn a share of all company revenue based on your total
All of your referrals, earnings, shopping history, payments, etc. have
been transferred to your MainStreetSHARES® account.
Your User ID at MainStreetSHARES® is the same, and your e-mail
address is the one that was on your account when BigCrumbs went offline in
January, 2015.
Your CrumbShares have been swapped for the exact number of msSHARES®
;, so you can continue to build your piece of the pie.
Any BigCrumbs referral links that you have "in the wild" will continue
to work! When people follow them here, then click any links on this page to
visit MainStreetSHARES®, your referral information is carried over
there. When they join MainStreetSHARES®, you'll receive credit for the
If you are owed a January or February payment because your PayPal
account was not verified, please verify your PayPal account after you've
reset your password. We'll be sending payments in batches as members verify.
Here's a handy list of BigCrumbs Transition Questions that should cover
many of the questions you have!
Please contact us at MainStreetSHARES® for any additional questions!
We're excited to have you on this journey with us, and we look forward to
building together!
Vince Martin
CEO & MainStreetSHARES®