unidentified_title# Money - 海外理财
发信人: blacklv(黑驴), 信区: Money
标题: 瞪大眼睛看一下8分部
发信站: BBS未名空间站(Wed Aug 9 10:49:21 2017,GMT)
Who Can Participate in the Section 8 House Choice Voucher Program?
Housing choice vouchers exist to help low-income families better afford a
place to live within their community. They're issued by your local public
housing agency, working in conjunction with the federal government's
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and they're assigned
according to need.
Tenant Requirements
Need is based on total gross annual family income and number of family
Family income cannot exceed 50 percent of the median income for the specific
Preference is given to families who earn less than 30 percent of the median
area income.
If approved for a house choice voucher, you will then be placed on a waiting
list until suitable housing只可能是白菜房,不可能是白玉房 comes available.
Your local public housing agency maintains the right to extend preferential
treatment to those who are currently homeless, 无家可归者优先who have been
involuntarily displaced, or who currently pay more than 50 percent of their
entire income for housing.
Once enrolled in the house choice voucher program, tenants are required to
adhere to the terms of the one-year lease, pay rent on time and take good
care of the dwelling.各位地主,碰上想住霸王房的,别忍,马上让他们滚蛋
These are the basic requirements to qualify for a house choice voucher. If
approved, it's up to you to locate suitable housing from someone who accepts
HUD payments. Typically, as a HUD-approved applicant, you'll pay between 30
and 40 percent of your monthly rent, and HUD will cover the remainder.
Landlord Requirements
If you wish to participate in HUD as a property owner, you must adhere to
certain requirements, as well:
The property must pass HUD inspection as a safe and decent place to reside.
These requirements must be maintained to remain in the program.
Property owners are required to fulfill any agreed-upon terms contained
within a lease signed by the occupants.
The property must rent for a reasonable rate.
As a tenant applicant, you must report changes in income or family members
to your public housing agency when they occur. If your income eventually
exceeds 50 percent of the median income in your geographic area, you may be
transitioned from the program or required to pay a higher amount toward your
rent each month. Likewise, if a family member moves out, your situation
will be re-evaluated for inclusion.
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