churn Chase UA 新terms# Money - 海外理财
1 楼
这次UA的60K+5K+$100 的offer似乎terms 变了,如下
Chase cardmembers who currently have or have had a Chase credit card in any
Rewards Program associated with this offer, may not be eligible for a second
Chase credit card in the same Rewards Program. Chase cardmembers currently
receiving promotional pricing, or Chase cardmembers with a history of only
using their current or prior Chase card for promotional pricing offers, are
not eligible for a second Chase credit card with promotional pricing.
各位大拿看如果是13年申过,15年关掉的。现在再申请估计能拿到bonus points么?谢
Chase cardmembers who currently have or have had a Chase credit card in any
Rewards Program associated with this offer, may not be eligible for a second
Chase credit card in the same Rewards Program. Chase cardmembers currently
receiving promotional pricing, or Chase cardmembers with a history of only
using their current or prior Chase card for promotional pricing offers, are
not eligible for a second Chase credit card with promotional pricing.
各位大拿看如果是13年申过,15年关掉的。现在再申请估计能拿到bonus points么?谢