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UCI in the Canada Visa stands for Universal Client Identification while
others refer to it as Unique Client Identification. It is a unique ID number
in which CIC assign to each and every applicant. It is issued on the first
day of application.
What is a UCI?
UCI stands for “unique client identifier.” It is also known as a client
identification number (client ID). It appears on official documents you get
from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It has four numbers, a hyphen
and four more numbers. (Example: 0000-0000).
If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a UCI.
If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not
Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.
If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,”
leave the space blank.
UCI in the Canada Visa stands for Universal Client Identification while
others refer to it as Unique Client Identification. It is a unique ID number
in which CIC assign to each and every applicant. It is issued on the first
day of application.
What is a UCI?
UCI stands for “unique client identifier.” It is also known as a client
identification number (client ID). It appears on official documents you get
from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It has four numbers, a hyphen
and four more numbers. (Example: 0000-0000).
If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a UCI.
If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not
Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.
If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,”
leave the space blank.
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anne hathaway
rundown都是写好的 哪有个人发挥空间 出点错有什么啊
她大眼睛一忽闪 我就没脾气了
加上看过她那么多部电影 很喜欢啊
rundown都是写好的 哪有个人发挥空间 出点错有什么啊
她大眼睛一忽闪 我就没脾气了
加上看过她那么多部电影 很喜欢啊
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人家james一大堆学位,优秀毕业生,还要拿yale 的屁挨着地呢。
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JAMES FRANCO, 看一个深夜访谈 ,他貌似在读PHD。志向是 PROF. 呵呵
Re: 《创业》风波 (转载)为什么网上已经有minion movie了?侏罗纪还行,75+求一部电影名字,关于印第安人和悬疑的 (转载)若要对付天网剧情不够 床戏来凑!林志玲与范伟激情一幕被顶到高潮小黄人版上的大圣归来都是去哪看的?从中国银幕的难以剧透性为什么又开始放mockingjay pt1了《冰雪奇缘》、《沉睡的魔咒》观后感——公主不再需要王子拯冰血暴第一季简直是神剧啊暴虐公路硬核狂飙教科书 (转载)90%的人看完这部电影后都不敢再将就自己的人生了……回味《唐伯虎点秋香》中周星驰气对穿肠吐血的对联zz陈凯歌是不是只会拍烂片【剧透】(ZT)国产电影 造就票房高温五百年的一次回眸——《大话西游》侏罗纪有些地方还是不明白,谁帮着解释一下?侏罗纪也有脑残的地方,和2012一样和门纠缠不清。。。无剧透