我OPT 2月22号结束,一月20多号的时候递交了opt转H4的签证, 今天收到USCIS的邮件
说我的case cancel了, 理由如下:
February 10, 2014
Draft Case Expired Notification
According to our records, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
previously notified you that your draft application/petition for *** would
be automatically cancelled if not completed and submitted within 30 calendar
days of 01/10/2014. Unfortunately, the time to complete and submit your
application/petition has expired.
Therefore, the application/petition you started on 01/10/2014 has been
deleted. As a result, you can no longer view or access your draft
application/petition. If you wish to continue to seek this benefit from
USCIS, you will need to start a new application/petition.
If you have any questions, please contact customer service at (800) 375-5283
or (800) 767-1833 (TTY) for assistance.
Please DO NOT reply to this message.
另外这是我的checklist 大家帮我看看有没有哪里不足的东西,我的I-539是纸板提交
的,没有网上提交,另外我也没有receipt Number什么的,材料发出去以后一直
Check list
1, copy of H1B principal’s w-2 wage and tax statement
2, copy of H1B principal’s passport
3, copy of H1B principal’s visa and I94
4, copy of H1B principal’s employment and income
5, copy of H1B principal’s co-employment relationship
6, copy of H1B principal’s Form 9035&9035E
7, copy of H1B principal’s old I-797
8, signed I-539
9, copy of marriage certificate
10, marriage certificate translation & notary
11, copy of applicant’s passport &visa & I94
12, copy of applicant’s EAD card
13, all copies of applicant’s I20s
13, check for USCIS fee $290 and check for biometrics fee $85
它把我的application cancel以后会把我准备的材料再给我发回来吗?
希望大家多提供意见,急等!! 谢谢!!!