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'The Interview' digital grosses up to $40 million
January 20, 2015 - 1:36 PM
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Digital sales for "The Interview" are up to $40 million,
putting the Sony Pictures release on track to eclipse "Bridesmaids" as the
biggest online release ever.
In a statement Tuesday, Sony Pictures chief executive Michael Lynton called
the total "a significant milestone." The film has been playing on a variety
of online and on-demand platforms. It has also added $6 million in box
office, playing in select independent theaters.
In early 2012, "Bridesmaids" set the previous record for digital release
with $40 million in video-on-demand and online sales.
While record-breaking, the digital release of "The Interview" means Sony
will struggle to break even on the $40 million-plus film. Receipts are split
with distributors, and marketing would have also cost around $25 million.
January 20, 2015 - 1:36 PM
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Digital sales for "The Interview" are up to $40 million,
putting the Sony Pictures release on track to eclipse "Bridesmaids" as the
biggest online release ever.
In a statement Tuesday, Sony Pictures chief executive Michael Lynton called
the total "a significant milestone." The film has been playing on a variety
of online and on-demand platforms. It has also added $6 million in box
office, playing in select independent theaters.
In early 2012, "Bridesmaids" set the previous record for digital release
with $40 million in video-on-demand and online sales.
While record-breaking, the digital release of "The Interview" means Sony
will struggle to break even on the $40 million-plus film. Receipts are split
with distributors, and marketing would have also cost around $25 million.
4 楼
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: 'The Interview' digital grosses up to $40 million
: January 20, 2015 - 1:36 PM
: Associated Press
: NEW YORK (AP) — Digital sales for "The Interview" are up to $40 million,
: putting the Sony Pictures release on track to eclipse "Bridesmaids" as the
: biggest online release ever.
: In a statement Tuesday, Sony Pictures chief executive Michael Lynton called
: the total "a significant milestone." The film has been playing on a variety
: of online and on-demand platforms. It has also added $6 million in box
: office, playing in select independent theaters.
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: 'The Interview' digital grosses up to $40 million
: January 20, 2015 - 1:36 PM
: Associated Press
: NEW YORK (AP) — Digital sales for "The Interview" are up to $40 million,
: putting the Sony Pictures release on track to eclipse "Bridesmaids" as the
: biggest online release ever.
: In a statement Tuesday, Sony Pictures chief executive Michael Lynton called
: the total "a significant milestone." The film has been playing on a variety
: of online and on-demand platforms. It has also added $6 million in box
: office, playing in select independent theaters.
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