Chapter 8, enjoy the present moment
有一点我觉得提醒的对,let kids just play。有研究说,free play的时间大量减少
,是slowing kids’ cognitive and emotional development的原因。
这个free play好啊,能够让孩子学习how to work in a group, to share, negotiate
, resolve conflicts, regulate their emotions and behaviors and speak up for
Here are tips when you play with kids
Let kids lead!
Don’t play with your kids in ways that bore you. Spend time with your
children doing things you enjoy>
Pretend play is particularly beneficial, so make sure kids have ample time
for it.
Five ways to teach creativity
Make your home a Petri dish for creativity. Encourage kids to take risk,
make mistakes, and fail
Allow kids the freedom and autonomy to explore their ideas
Encourage kids to read for pleasure and participate in the arts rather than
watch TV
Resist the temptation to reward kids for their creativity
Try to stop caring how much your kids achieve