Recommend two guitars# MusicPlayer - 乐手之家
for electric, try ESP. This is a very nice guitar brand, not over priced
and good for most rock musics. For starters, M50 can be bought at ~$200,
If you want a pro-class guitar, a neck through M300 or MH300 only cost $600.
For accoustic, try Seagull. Best price/performance accoustic IMHO. Though not
as widely available in US as more well known brand, the build of these baby
are inferior to none.
You can go to their website and look for informations. Also, always use
http://harmonycentral.com for the user reviews. You will find that both
have rave reviews from the real users. That's the most important thing.
Not many other guitars (epiphone sucks, just like squier)
have that kind of review.
As for choice between Acoustic and Electric, I think for biginers electric
is a better choice because it's easier to play than acoustics. Of couse,
those start with acoustic will have different opinio

【在 p**k 的大作中提到】
: for electric, try ESP. This is a very nice guitar brand, not over priced
: and good for most rock musics. For starters, M50 can be bought at ~$200,
: If you want a pro-class guitar, a neck through M300 or MH300 only cost $600.
: For accoustic, try Seagull. Best price/performance accoustic IMHO. Though not
: as widely available in US as more well known brand, the build of these baby
: are inferior to none.

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