Re: 成功的因素, 不好意思, 再灌一片
Re: 成功的因素, 不好意思, 再灌一片# MusicPlayer - 乐手之家
it's like every kid in dalian plays soccer (except beerdang, keke)
i played it as a popular game, had a slim hope to turn pro but
it was too slim to invest. same thing to these american kids, my
manager can play SRV's pride and joy exactly as the CD and
had toured in Europe, but he never thought to turn pro. same
thing goes to our german drummer. because so few chinese play
an instrument, so if you do, it's a big deal. and we get so
serious about it. i don't think these kids ever cared. the good
seems like, the question is if they want to turn pro
i mean, maybe for lots of kids in China, to be able to play is something huge
and they had the hope to be famous one day since they started. but here, lots
of them just do it for fun, maybe for little pocket money by playing in the
bars after work too. almost everybody in my major who are now 30-40 that i
know, used to be in a band when they were in college. those unders when i was
there were having several bands too.
i don't know what the mai

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: it's like every kid in dalian plays soccer (except beerdang, keke)
: i played it as a popular game, had a slim hope to turn pro but
: it was too slim to invest. same thing to these american kids, my
: manager can play SRV's pride and joy exactly as the CD and
: had toured in Europe, but he never thought to turn pro. same
: thing goes to our german drummer. because so few chinese play
: an instrument, so if you do, it's a big deal. and we get so
: serious about it. i don't think these kids ever cared. the good
