anyone had this situation before# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
I post this question before, it's about my thyroid.
My TSH is high, which is 6.4, from the first blood test, my doctor gave me
50 dosage medicine, and I made an appointment with tyroid doctor at the
same time. When I saw my thyroid doctor I've already taken 50 dosage
medicine for about 1 week. I told my throid doctor my TSH number, she
recommended me go ahead increase the dosage to 75. Now I had my second blood
test result, and my TSH number is too low, which is 0.125.
I tried to make an appoi
are you pregant currently or you have already gave a birth to your baby?i
developed postpartum thyroditis 4 months after the delivery. if TSh is very
low , it means that your thyroid is very active and release lots of thyroid
hormone in your blood (hyperthyroditism), you need to lower the dosage of
hormone supplement. if your TSH is very high, you are having hypothyroditism
, your thyroid gland can't generate enough thyroid hormone so you need to
increase the dosage of hormone supplement.
Thanks much xxyyz13!!!
I'm pregnant right now, and this week is 16th week.
did you mean that I just need to decrease my dosage probably? Probably
thyroid doctor shouldn't increase my dosage from 50 to 75? So this is not a
big problem? Does pregnancy affect thyroid??? I asked thyroid doctor this
question, she said no, but I saw some article mention that pregnancy could
affect thyroid. So which one is true?
I don't know if your TSH is too low or not. But if you are concerned about
it, you should contact your OB to let
him/her know your new blood test. And see if you can get any information
from him/her. And you can also
call the endocrinologist's office to request to talk to the doctor, and see
if the doctor can call you back.
I am taking medicine to lower my TSH too ( I am 10 weeks pregnant). My
dosage is 12.5 micro gram, half pill
of the smallest dosage pill. My TSH is 2.3 now (lowered from 4.6

【在 c**********n 的大作中提到】
: I post this question before, it's about my thyroid.
: My TSH is high, which is 6.4, from the first blood test, my doctor gave me
: 50 dosage medicine, and I made an appointment with tyroid doctor at the
: same time. When I saw my thyroid doctor I've already taken 50 dosage
: medicine for about 1 week. I told my throid doctor my TSH number, she
: recommended me go ahead increase the dosage to 75. Now I had my second blood
: test result, and my TSH number is too low, which is 0.125.
: I tried to make an appoi

find a good endocrinologist for thyroid condition. as far as I know, OB and
endocrinologist needs to work together for pregnant women with thyroid
problem. during the pregnancy, your level of thyroid hormone keeps changing,
so you need to do blood test every month for the first 6 months of pregancy
. thyroid hormone supplement needs to be adjusted accordingly.
good luck!!
timelt, I think your TSH number is good or very close, I remember my OB told
me that she wants the number to be 2 and below. Well, obviously not too low.
Finally my thyroid doctor left me a message said I take the medicine from
Monday to Friday, not weekend, and keep the same dosage. She asked me take
the blood test in 5 weeks again.
My dosage is 75, timelt, yours is 12.5 micro gram, I guess we are using
different measurement?
Why I have the feeling that my thyroid doctor is kind of careless? I
charleneshun, call you endocinologist (thyroid doctor) or OB as soon as
possible . tell him or her that your TSH is very low now. low TSH means
hyperthyroiditism, it can lead to miscarrage.
What is the unit of 75? I think it should be micro gram (mcg) as well, right
? And the medicine I am taken is
called "L-thyroxine". I remember, the doctor told me that 25 mcg is the
lowest dosage pill. And she asked
me to cut it and take half pill daily.
I took two blood tests in 10 days apart. First one was only 4 days after I
started the medicine. My first TSH
level was 1.65, and second one was 2.26.
I was thinking it might also fluctuate during the day. I takes the pill in
the morning. The fi

【在 c**********n 的大作中提到】
: timelt, I think your TSH number is good or very close, I remember my OB told
: me that she wants the number to be 2 and below. Well, obviously not too low.
: Finally my thyroid doctor left me a message said I take the medicine from
: Monday to Friday, not weekend, and keep the same dosage. She asked me take
: the blood test in 5 weeks again.
: My dosage is 75, timelt, yours is 12.5 micro gram, I guess we are using
: different measurement?
: Why I have the feeling that my thyroid doctor is kind of careless? I

I checked my medicine, it's Levothyroxine as well, and my dosage is 75 MCG.
I saw timelt's dosage is just 12.5, mine is 75, I thought we are using
different measurement.Actually not, it's just my dosage is high comparing to
I finally got chance talk to my thyroid doctor, she said because I'm
sensitive to the medicine, so the TSH number changed a lot. Now I need to
follow her instruction: take same dosage through Monday to Friday, and don't
take during the weekend, then take the blood test i
Do you notice any changes of your feeling and body during the course of
taking this medicine, and a large change of your TSH?
I am just curious.I kind of feel some change, but not sure.
My doctor also said I am sensitive to the medicine. It only took me 4 days
to change from 4.5 to 1.6 after I started taking it.But then back to 2.2 10
days later.
If you have interest to discuss it further. We may send message to the
mailbox inside the bbs.


【在 c**********n 的大作中提到】
: I checked my medicine, it's Levothyroxine as well, and my dosage is 75 MCG.
: I saw timelt's dosage is just 12.5, mine is 75, I thought we are using
: different measurement.Actually not, it's just my dosage is high comparing to
: 12.5
: I finally got chance talk to my thyroid doctor, she said because I'm
: sensitive to the medicine, so the TSH number changed a lot. Now I need to
: follow her instruction: take same dosage through Monday to Friday, and don't
: take during the weekend, then take the blood test i



【在 c**********n 的大作中提到】
: I post this question before, it's about my thyroid.
: My TSH is high, which is 6.4, from the first blood test, my doctor gave me
: 50 dosage medicine, and I made an appointment with tyroid doctor at the
: same time. When I saw my thyroid doctor I've already taken 50 dosage
: medicine for about 1 week. I told my throid doctor my TSH number, she
: recommended me go ahead increase the dosage to 75. Now I had my second blood
: test result, and my TSH number is too low, which is 0.125.
: I tried to make an appoi

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