请教有经验的妈妈,关于吃奶时大哭,入睡困难# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
肯定是小人什么地方不舒服才导致吃奶都不安分,通常我这时就抱她上changing table
能是growth spurts,以前听PED说过,大概6-8周时宝宝长得比较快,有可能出现吃奶
★ Breastfeeding During a Baby's Growth Spurt
From Melissa Kotlen Nagin, former Guide
Updated March 27, 2009
Growth spurts are essential parts of physical maturation and they are
developmental milestones. Also called "frequency days," growth spurts are
inevitable in every baby. Still, breastfeeding mothers often become
concerned that they have low milk supply during these times. It can be very
confusing when a baby has been feeding and sleeping well and, all of a
sudden, patterns reverse and the baby starts feeding all day long and is
How can you distinguish a true growth spurt from a decrease in milk supply?
Before you start to worry, it's important to learn what is truly normal at
this time in a baby's life.
What to Generally Expect at This Stage
During a growth spurt, a baby will suddenly begin to feed more frequently,
perhaps for longer periods of time than she had been, and may be very fussy.
Her sleep patterns may also become very erratic (sleeping much more or not
sleeping at all). Generally, the major growth spurts occur at 2, 3, and 6
weeks, then 3 and 6 months. Of course, there will be other times where you
might notice other frequency days, and this will actually continue into the
teenage years.
Many mothers question whether their babies are feeding more because they're
truly hungry or simply because they find the nipple soothing.
If you feel that your baby has had an excellent feed (you can hear gulping;
your breast is much softer after having begun with a very full breast; your
baby seems generally relaxed), here's what to do:
* Put her back to the breast, preferably the same one you just used. She
might have nodded off before being completely finished nursing. (Sometimes
it only takes another 5 minutes of a feeding for a baby to be fully
* Take a stroll. If you feel confident that the feeding was sufficient,
try a walk around the block. Sometimes babies have a hard time settling in
and, when they start to become fussy, most mothers think they're still
hungry. The best test is to see what happens when you put her in the
stroller or in a sling and go outside. If she falls asleep immediately (most
babies do once they get into fresh air), she isn't really hungry. If she
screams her way around the block, she is.
Common Issues for Mom at This Stage
Quite often, moms feel anxious that their babies are feeding frequently and
are fussy because they have a low milk supply. You can distinguish a true
growth spurt from an issue with your milk supply by the duration of time
this goes on. Growth spurts are temporary, often ending as fast as they
began; low milk supply will stick around until you take measures to increase
Go with your baby's cues. Nurse frequently. If your breasts feel softer and
not as full as they typically do, this is normal. Soft breasts does not
equate to lost milk supply. If the baby is feeding frequently, he is
teaching your body to produce more milk. Your body will respond accordingly.
If your supply remains low, take measures to increase it immediately.
Common Issues for Baby at This Stage
Fussiness is the most noticeable issue. A mom's gut response is to feed
because she knows that will have the most soothing effect. If the baby is
fed frequently during this stage, the fussiness may subside. In addition, if
sleep patterns are disrupted, the baby may be harder to relax or settle
because she's overtired. It may seem like an endless cycle at a certain
point, but stay calm and focused on giving the baby what she needs and this
Waking Up A Sleepy Baby
Your baby may sleep a lot during the growth spurt, and this is normal.
Waking a sleeping baby during this time is not recommended. Her little body
is working very hard -- if she's sleeping, let her sleep.
Growth spurts can be frustrating and exhausting, but keep in mind that they
are temporary and essential.
★ Baby Growth Spurts
Is your baby suddenly clamoring for more food? He may be going through a
growth spurt.
It’s inherently unfair, but all too common. Just when you’re finally
getting the hang of a somewhat reasonable breastfeeding schedule, your
newborn suddenly changes course and begins eating every hour. And even when
he’s done, he still acts like he’s ready to hit the drive-through at
McDonald’s, making you wonder if your baby’s getting enough milk. But
relax; he’s not starving (even though he’s acting like it). He’s just hit
his first baby growth spurt — the first of about five he’ll have during
the first year. One of your baby’s most important jobs this year is to grow
bigger, and he’ll probably triple his body weight by the time he’s 12
months. Surprisingly, though, a lot of that growth happens in short, intense
bursts. (So it’s not your imagination — your baby really did outgrow all
his newborn outfits overnight!)
Although growth spurts can happen anytime during the first year, your baby
will most likely have his initial spurt between one and three weeks; and
another between six and eight weeks. After that, you can expect more at
three months, six months, and nine months. The good news: A baby's growth
spurts usually last only a couple days, so your baby (and your life) should
get back to normal soon.
Here’s how to recognize your little sprout’s spurt:
Your baby wants to eat nonstop. If you’ve been breastfeeding every three
hours, your baby will now want to belly up to the milk bar every hour or two
. That’s just fine. The more often your baby breastfeeds, the more he
stimulates milk production to keep up with his growing appetite. Older
babies will also want to nurse more and up their intake of the jarred stuff
if they’re eating solids.
Your baby will be up more often at night. Even if your baby was sleeping for
a blissful five- or six-hour stretch, during a growth spurt he’ll howl for
a midnight snack, then one at 2 a.m., and 4 a.m., and so on. You may find
your older baby waking up earlier from his naps, too.
Your baby will be crankier than usual. At the breast he’ll be extra fussy,
latching and unlatching because he wants more milk right now, and your
production might not be up to speed yet. Plus, all those late nights don’t
help his mood (or yours!) either.
How to deal with baby growth spurts:
Since you were already struggling to get enough rest or do anything other
than feed your baby, it’s extra-exhausting to have a newborn who suddenly
treats breastfeeding like a 24-7 all-you-can-eat buffet. So make sure you’
re drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, recruit help from your partner
or a friend to do dishes and other household chores, and settle in for the
long haul. (A DVD can help pass the time.)
Whatever you do, don’t give up on breastfeeding now. When your baby seems
hungrier and crankier than normal, you may worry that he’s not getting
enough to eat and think about abandoning breastfeeding altogether. But those
temporary round-the-clock feedings are actually your baby’s way of
boosting your milk supply to keep pace with his oh-so-healthy appetite.
If you’re really concerned, keep an eye on two things: diapers and weight
gain. If he’s packing on ounces (that adorable little T-shirt seem tighter
today than it did two days ago, for example) and soaking five or six diapers
a day, he’s doing just fine. Soon enough his hunger pangs will be over,
the growth spurt will end, and things will settle back to normal. Until the
next baby growth spurt hits, that is.
关于宝宝生长突进期 (附“如何应对宝宝FUSSY”)


【在 t********y 的大作中提到】
: 宝宝吃奶的时候经常会发狂,吃奶吃几口,小嘴把奶头吐出来,开始大哭或者含着乳头
: 嚎啕大哭,还捶我抓我踢我,然后我过个几秒再把乳头塞给她,她会继续吃,但是没吃
: 几口就又重复开始,我确信自己的两个都有奶,不是空的,每次这样喂奶太折腾人了,
: 肯定是小人什么地方不舒服才导致吃奶都不安分,通常我这时就抱她上changing table
: 看尿布。的确有时候是弄脏了,立马换了再喂,可是吃着吃着,过个几分钟还是照旧又
: 开始含着乳头大哭了,哭得声嘶力竭,小脸通红,我再检查尿布,又尿了或者便了,于
: 是再换,就这样每次喂奶都得换三四个尿布,而且吃了奶换尿布很容易吐奶,还得把头
: 给垫得高高的。
: 可是有时候她吃奶吃哭,尿布我摸着是干的,那我就不知道她哭的原因了,而且她现在
: 还经常吃奶吃不困,眼睛睁得大大的不睡,但是呵欠不断,我也在小黑屋喂奶了,也竖

very true

【在 x*********o 的大作中提到】
: 我家也有这种情况。后来发现她是想咬奶头睡觉,但奶头一咬就出奶,她不乐意。


【在 t********y 的大作中提到】
: 宝宝吃奶的时候经常会发狂,吃奶吃几口,小嘴把奶头吐出来,开始大哭或者含着乳头
: 嚎啕大哭,还捶我抓我踢我,然后我过个几秒再把乳头塞给她,她会继续吃,但是没吃
: 几口就又重复开始,我确信自己的两个都有奶,不是空的,每次这样喂奶太折腾人了,
: 肯定是小人什么地方不舒服才导致吃奶都不安分,通常我这时就抱她上changing table
: 看尿布。的确有时候是弄脏了,立马换了再喂,可是吃着吃着,过个几分钟还是照旧又
: 开始含着乳头大哭了,哭得声嘶力竭,小脸通红,我再检查尿布,又尿了或者便了,于
: 是再换,就这样每次喂奶都得换三四个尿布,而且吃了奶换尿布很容易吐奶,还得把头
: 给垫得高高的。
: 可是有时候她吃奶吃哭,尿布我摸着是干的,那我就不知道她哭的原因了,而且她现在
: 还经常吃奶吃不困,眼睛睁得大大的不睡,但是呵欠不断,我也在小黑屋喂奶了,也竖



【在 t********y 的大作中提到】
: 宝宝吃奶的时候经常会发狂,吃奶吃几口,小嘴把奶头吐出来,开始大哭或者含着乳头
: 嚎啕大哭,还捶我抓我踢我,然后我过个几秒再把乳头塞给她,她会继续吃,但是没吃
: 几口就又重复开始,我确信自己的两个都有奶,不是空的,每次这样喂奶太折腾人了,
: 肯定是小人什么地方不舒服才导致吃奶都不安分,通常我这时就抱她上changing table
: 看尿布。的确有时候是弄脏了,立马换了再喂,可是吃着吃着,过个几分钟还是照旧又
: 开始含着乳头大哭了,哭得声嘶力竭,小脸通红,我再检查尿布,又尿了或者便了,于
: 是再换,就这样每次喂奶都得换三四个尿布,而且吃了奶换尿布很容易吐奶,还得把头
: 给垫得高高的。
: 可是有时候她吃奶吃哭,尿布我摸着是干的,那我就不知道她哭的原因了,而且她现在
: 还经常吃奶吃不困,眼睛睁得大大的不睡,但是呵欠不断,我也在小黑屋喂奶了,也竖
