你这牙医也太急着抢钱了,不道德。我怀孕的时候去洗牙,看到有蛀牙,牙医主动说不 动拍X光(防护服也不好),特别是first trimester, 不上麻药补,让我扛到生了以后 做。 http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/dentalwork.htm What about x-rays used in dental work during pregnancy? Routine x-rays, usually taken during annual exams, can usually be postponed until after the birth. X-rays are necessary to perform many dental procedures, especially emergencies. According to the American College of Radiology, no single diagnostic x-ray has a radiation dose significant enough to cause adverse effects in a developing embryo or fetus. Dental x-rays should be postponed until after pregnancy if possible. Fetal organ development occurs during the first trimester; it is best to avoid all potential risks at this time if possible. If non-emergency dental work is needed during the third trimester, it is usually postponed until after the birth. This is to avoid the risk of premature labor and prolonged time lying on your back.