Mothers: Beware What You Put on Your and Your Baby's Skin
Mothers: Beware What You Put on Your and Your Baby's Skin# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Mothers: Beware What You Put on Your and Your Baby's Skin
Many women who breastfeed will apply cream to their breasts without too much
consideration for what's in it. Hopefully, you now will not be one of them.
Studies have actually found that mineral oil paraffins can bioaccumulate in
both fat tissue and human breast milk. According to the authors of one 2008
"Mineral paraffins might be the largest contaminant of our body, widely
amounting to 1gram per person and reaching 10 grams in extreme cases."
It's believed that your baby may receive about one percent of the mineral
paraffin accumulated in your body and breast milk. A previous study sums up
the problem of using mineral oil-containing skin creams when you're
"Beside exposure of babies via human milk, the intake by direct licking off
salves (in the worst case consisting of Vaseline) from the breast of their
nursing mothers may be much higher. In a worst case situation, daily intake
from breast care products by babies is estimated to reach 40mg/kg bw.
Many compositions do not comply with the specifications and a temporary
group ADI of 0-4mg/kg bw established by the SCF. This possible exposure of
babies either calls for a toxicological re-evaluation of the mineral
paraffins or for measures ensuring that exposure of babies is reduced."
The concern is a valid one, especially in light of the fact that mineral oil
has been linked to no less than 23 different diseases and health problems,
according to's excellent research database, including
autoimmune diseases and a number of different cancers.
With that in mind, please avoid using creams and lotions that contain
mineral oil (especially Vaseline) on your breasts while you're still
breastfeeding. It would also be wise to avoid putting baby oil on your baby'
s skin, as most baby oil brands contain straight mineral oil!
You Can Absorb MORE Toxins from Skin Care Products than Food
Remember, your skin is your largest organ -- and also the thinnest. Less
than 1/10th of an inch separates your body from potential toxins. Worse yet,
your skin is highly permeable. Most items you rub on your skin will end up
in your bloodstream, and will be distributed throughout your body. This is
why I'm so fond of saying "don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't
eat if you had to..." and a petrochemical is certainly not something you
would eat!
Putting chemicals on your skin may actually be worse than eating them. When
you eat something, the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help to break it
down and flush it out of your body.
However, when you put these chemicals on your skin, they are absorbed
straight into your bloodstream without filtering of any kind, going directly
to your delicate organs. And once these chemicals find their way into your
body, they tend to accumulate over time because you typically lack the
necessary enzymes to break them down. When you add up daily exposure over
the course of a lifetime, it really adds up!
Safer Alternatives
Most of the personal care products in supermarkets and even high-end
department stores contain toxic ingredients that can harm your health—
mineral oil is just one among thousands of harmful chemicals lurking in
these products. You and your family deserve better, and there are other
options. One of the easiest ways to ensure that you're not being exposed to
potentially hazardous agents is to simply make your own personal care
products, using simple all-natural ingredients that many of you may already
have in your home.
Two great all-natural moisturizers are pure emu oil, and pure coconut oil.
Both can be used for facial and body moisturizers and lotions. Coconut oil
has been used to moisturize skin for ages, and is also a potent source of
the beneficial fat lauric acid.
You can also find many organic skin oils and lotions these days. Just be
sure to read labels and check products out before buying them to make sure
you're not being fooled by less-than-honest claims. EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetic
Safety Database is an excellent resource for finding and evaluating
healthful personal care products. They also recently published their 2011
special report on sunscreens.
Finally, if you're perusing your local health food store for some safe,
natural options, here are my top guidelines to keep in mind:
•Look for the genuine USDA Organic Seal.
•If you can't pronounce it, you probably don't want to put it on your
body. Ask yourself, "Would I eat this?"
•Look for products that are fragrance-free. One artificial fragrance
can contain hundreds -- even thousands -- of chemicals, and fragrances are a
major cause of allergic reactions.
•Pay attention to the order in which the ingredients are listed.
Manufacturers are required to list ingredients in descending order by volume
, meaning the first few ingredients are the most prominent. If calendula
extract is the last ingredient in a long list, your calendula body wash isn'
t very natural.
•Stick to the basics. Do you really need 20 products to prepare for
your day? Simplify your life and rescue your bank account.
•Buy products that come in glass bottles rather than plastic, since
chemicals can leach out of plastics and into the contents. Bisphenol A (BPA)
is a serious concern; make sure any plastic container is BPA free.
•Look for products that are made by companies that are earth-friendly,
animal-friendly and green.