A New Yorker's writing about little Yue Yue
A New Yorker's writing about little Yue Yue# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
A person from New York wrote this today which I think is beautiful. Please
help post to other places (like weibo).
Yue Yue was indeed the slaughtered lamb and her plight affected me very
deeply. Yue Yue's life had meaning and purpose, and was just beginning. No
one had the right to take that little girl's life and joy from her, and no
one had the right to take her away from her loving and humble parents. I
cannot possibly imagine their pain right now. I beg anyone who is reading
this to send a donation to the hospital that tried desperately to save her,
and also to her family, and to Mrs. Chen. Its a way of showing we care, a
way of coming together and showing our love and compassion for another human
being and her family. Think about little Yue Yue laying helplessly and in
tears and blood in that street last week. Who could have known or believed
that a week later she would be dead. Gone to us and to her family forever.
Think of that beautiful angel fighting hard for a whole week to survive. It
took a lot of strength and effort before her body finally gave up. I am, and
the world should be, very proud of her. I feel, and the world should feel,
a selfless and deep love for her. So many of us prayed hard for her, and its
hard and painful to accept that it wasn't enough. Compared to Yue Yue, I
personally feel somewhat worthless as a human being today, in that her life
was just beginning, and it had promise, and meaning. She had every right to
live. I've lived my life, as have so many of us. I'm trying to figure out
why we should be still alive, with all our petty problems, when she isn't.
At least her pain and suffering of the last week is over. But she should
still be with us, and thats all that matters.