Former Youngest member of Mensa just turned 3 (转载)
Former Youngest member of Mensa just turned 3 (转载)# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
【 以下文字转载自 CanadaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: blueforpus (Little Bo), 信区: CanadaNews
标 题: Former Youngest member of Mensa just turned 3
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 7 17:59:41 2012, 美东)
At just 15 months old, Emmelyn Roettger was able to recognize letters. By
age two she was writing them.
In March, just before turning 3, Emme was admitted into Mensa with an IQ of
135, making her the youngest member of the prestigious high-IQ society in
the U.S.
Ironically, when Emme was an infant, her doctors thought she was slow.
They noticed inexplicable "delayed" reactions and apparent disinterest in
toys and other objects. Doctors predicted she might be autistic.
As it turned out, the problem with not with her mind, but with her eyes.
"It turned out she just needed glasses!" Emme's mother, Michelle Horne, told
With her first pair of lenses at 10 months old, everything changed: Emme
showed an insatiable curiosity. To assuage any lingering fears about the
girl's intelligence, Horne had her daughter take an intelligence test, and
discovered the 2-year-old had an IQ of 135.
Generally, an IQ score over 140 is considered genius or near-genius level.
Beethoven's estimated IQ is 165, Albert Einstein, 160, Leonardo Da Vinci,
220 and Steven Hawking, 160.
Candidates for membership of Mensa must achieve a score at or above the 98th
percentile on a standard test of intelligence. Emme scored in the 99th
percentile across the board, MSNBC reported.
Think you’re a genius? Mensa's website allows you to order a home test for
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