没名字~ 类似于准妈妈人手一份的基本常识手册,我去预约的时候前台的人给我的,大概 地介绍了一下每个阶段会有些什么症状,哪些是正常的不用紧张,哪些是需要看医生的~ 前两周google了一下1st trimester spotting,据说出现概率大概有30%,还是挺常见的, 大部分都没什么问题,不用担心.当然了,google中文网站的结果就很不一样了,搞得我很 紧张~ 所以,如果不放心的话,就打电话问问医生,免得心里老想着这事. 从无名小册子上抄过来的. normal changes/occurrences in pregnancy 1. breast fullness and leakage 2. constipation 3. cramps (not severe abdominal pain) 4. spotting 5. dizziness 6. fatigue 7. mood swings 8. nasal congestion 9. nausea and vomiting 10. increased vaginal discharge 11. weight gain (if normal weight, between 25-35 pounds) 12. braxton hicks contractions starting around 16 weeks (irregular and can feel like menstrual cramps) warning signs 1. labor symptoms (contraction every 5 mins for 1 hour) 2. water breaks 3. preterm labor (contraction every 5 mins for 1 hour if less than 36 weeks) 4. decreased (less than 4 movements/hour) or lack of fetal movement if greater than 20 weeks 5. abdominal pain other than mild cramping 6. heavy bright red vaginal bleeding or passing clots 7. if unable to hold any liquids at all for less than 8 hours 8. any fever over 101F that does not come down with Tylenol use 9. vaginal discharge should be clear or white with no smell. if is has color or scent, please call 10. any burning, frequency, or pain while urinating could be a sign of a urinary tract infection