关于存脐带血:咨询CBR得到的回答# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
基本上决定捐了,不过也咨询过private bank,baby center上有篇文章是说how to
choose a private cord blood bank, 我非常jerk的按照那上面列的事项,问了CBR,下面是他们给的回答,和考虑存脐带血的mm分享.
(1)Does CBR pass a voluntary accreditation standard specific to laboratory
processing of cord blood ?Like from AABB or FACT, and if it does, when?
We have accreditation from the AABB, ISO, BBB, FDA and CLIA (which is the
private version of FACT. FACT is for public banks only) and we have the
extra licensing required by the 5 state the require it.
(2) Does CBR provide courier service? if it does, what kind of courier
We recommend using Quick International. We have worked with them for over a
decade. They are the very best medical courier in the world. The first year
’s fees include the courier service to come directly to your hospital room
after the delivery to pick up your collection kit and return it to us. The
guarantee us samples within 24 hours from anywhere in the United States
(3) how much expericence CBR have about releasing cord blood for transplants
and participating in clinical trials ? Could you give some numbers, if
We have the largest transplant history of any private bank in the world. We
have released 203 to date. Every single transplant that we have sent out has
been viable(alive) and has engrafted into the patient. This is what they
need to be in order to be successful so we are at 100% for our transplants.
There is additional information on clinical trials in the question regarding
research. We do not have all the numbers on clinical trials because they
don’t release the numbers until the trial is complete and they are still in
the trial stage.
(4) Does CBR have any insurance plan or partenerships with other companies
to cover inventory in the event of a natural disaster or business failure?
In the case of a natural disaster there is not an insurance company that
would cover that for any cord blood bank. What we have done is put our lab
in an area that is historically free of Natural Disasters to help ensure
the safety of your collection. We are in Tucson, Arizona and we are in one
of the safest places to live in the country. We also have very extensive
back-up plans in place to ensure the safety of your collection. We are also
the only company in the industry that has been profitable for over a decade.
We have been in the positive cash flow since 1999. We can run our business
just an our annual storages and we have over 400,000 families stored with us
. This business plan is to ensure our financial stability 5 to 50 years from
now. You do own the sample as well and could remove it at any time.
(5) How long has CBR been banking cord blood?
We started the industry 20 years ago this past June. We started in June of
(6) Does CBR affiliated with any hospital or research institution?
We do not do research ourselves. We only do cord blood collection and
storage but we have partnered with universities and institutes that are
doing research. There are three FDA approved clinical trials under
Regenerative Medicine that are exclusive to our company. At Georgia Health
Science University for Cerebral Palsy, University of Texas for Traumatic
Brain Injury and Sutter Neuroscience Institute in Sacramento for the only
Autism trial currently happening. While these trials are in the FDA
regulated phase only families that have banked with us can participate in
these trials. We are the only company with exclusive FDA approved trials.
发给我的additional information:
"Thank you for your interest in CBR. Many expecting parents are interested
in the medical potential of cord blood stem cells. As you may know, cord
blood has been used successfully for more than 20 years to treat many
serious diseases.Today, clinical trials are investigating new therapies
using a child’s own newborn stem cells for conditions that currently have
no treatment.
Several FDA-regulated trials only use stem cells from CBR, as a way of
ensuring consistent quality. So, only CBR clients have access to these
groundbreaking trials.
Cord blood stem cells are currently being evaluated as potential treatment
•Traumatic brain injury
•Cerebral palsy
•Juvenile (type 1) diabetes
One of the benefits of saving your newborn’s cord blood is access to the
latest developments in stem cell medicine. Current research using cord blood
in regenerative medicine requires a child’s own stem cells and is only
available to families who bank."