Chinese visa application for a child
Chinese visa application for a child# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Please ignore this message if you are not going to apply for a visa in the
near term because application rules might change any time.
I just came back from a trip to the Chinese consulate in New York City.
Though it is not as difficult to get a Chinese visa as to get a USA visa, I
would still like to share a few notes with you so that you might be able to
save money and time.
1. The complete list of documents submitted:
Original passport, application form, copy of passport’s main page, copy of
previous visa, invitation letter with hand-written signature, copy of id of
the invitor
2. The visa officer told me at the window that if I can submit a copy of
the child’s birth certificate, I can apply for a two-year visa (for the
same $140 fee?). I know normally people apply for a one-year visa and that
is the time granted but I did not see this rule on its website.
However, here is a true store:
A father went to the consulate to apply for a Chinese visa for his son, X.
He was told that if he could submit a copy of X’s birth certificate, he can
apply for a two-year visa. So next time the father went to apply for a
Chinese visa for another son, Y, he carried with him Y’s birth certificate.
To his surprise, the visa officer told him that because he did not bring
his own Chinese passport, he still could not apply for a two-year visa!
If you want to try to apply for a two-year Chinese visa, bring as many
documents copies as possible, though there is still no guarantee.
There are some travel agents that can apply a Chinese visa for you and they
charge about $20-$30 for each visa applied. If you just need one Chinese
visa, this might be a good choice because it saves you much hassle.
3. According to the visa officer, a visa application can be submitted
between 9:00 am – 2:30 pm, except holidays. Officers rotate work during
lunch hours.
Also, if you know any popular forum for discussion about apply for a Chinese
visa (not USA visa), please let me know.
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing