自己总结的“Natural breastfeeding VS Bottle-feeding with expressed
breastmilk” , 大家看全不全
1. It’s an only solution for a working mom who wants their babies to get
the advantages of breast milk.
2. Save mom’s time for a lazy baby. Some babies have really “bad”
eating patterns. They eat and rest. For these babies, moms have to feed
every 20 minutes and be stuck there forever. If using bottles, even for a
lazy baby, you can stretch your feeding slot to every 3 to 4 hrs instead of
every two hrs or one hr typically for a breastfeeding baby. The first two
weeks are not easy for everyone, but for those babies with “bad” eating
patterns and moms with less milk, it’s more difficult. Breast feeding will
not only drain moms’ energy but also put the baby on the risk of excessive
weight loss. Moreover, if the baby stays hungry all the time, there is a
possibility he may be used to the hunger level and eat less and less.
3. Some moms have nipple problems and not ideal milk productions
initially, which cause breastfeeding seems mission impossible.
4. If there are extra hands in the family, it gives mom much more time to
rest. Especially after delivery when moms need to rest the most, the
feeding jobs can be left to fathers or grandparents and moms only need to
pump and sleep.
5. You can exactly know and monitor how much milk your baby takes.
1. Nutrition, vitamins, and antibodies loss during storage and warming
the milk.
2. Save tons of time on washing and sterilizing bottles. And cleaning
some parts of pumping kit like tubing is really tricky.
3. Definitely more expensive than natural breastfeeding. You have to buy
a pump (several hundred bucks), bottles, warmers, sterilizers…………
4. Safety of bottles and pumping parts is an issue. No matter how safe
they claim to be, they are man-made plastic!
5. Maybe better for mother-child bonding. (Please notice that there is a "
6. Babies are the best suckers and simulators. They can work much better
than pumps.
7. 据说对什么下颚、咀嚼肌发育有好处………………不知道
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