最近想买小海马,好像电池出问题了?# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
64 of 299 people found the following review helpful
By John Ambrogi on November 12, 2012
Product Packaging: Frustration-Free PackagingColor Name: Blue Amazon
Verified Purchase
first let me say that when we purchased this toy for my 8 month old son, we
all LOVED it! He took to it immediately, and several times it truly helped
him soothe back to sleep! It was living up to all the positive reviews on
Amazon. I purchased the toy on Oct. 5, and it needed to have it's batteries
replaced for the first time on Nov. 10. I put new batteries in, and WITHOUT
EVEN TURNING THE TOY BACK ON a coil behind one of the batteries started
glowing and my kitchen was filled with smoke!! I immediately removed the
batteries to see where the plastic all around the coil is blackened from
being burnt, the coil is black and the toy is toasted (not that I would have
trusted putting it back in my son's bed after this experience. I wrote my
concern on Fisherprices facebook wall, and they deleted my post (it was not
rude, rather concerned and frustrated). I wrote a second time and finally
got your generic "please contact customer service" type response. They will
be giving a refund and want me to send the toy back, but please beware! I
have NEVER had this happen with a toy before, and the fact that it was in my
child's bed for over a month scares me. I will be searching for a similar
product, but simply CANNOT replace it with the same item - I no longer trust
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76 of 92 people found the following review helpful
Another one with battery compartment issue
By Starlite623 on January 23, 2013
Product Packaging: Frustration-Free PackagingColor Name: Blue
I had to change the batteries this morning and the battery compartment
smoked and one of the coils turned bright red!
Thank god this didn't happen in my sons crib!
I called Fisher Price and they are sending me a return label and issuing a
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27 of 31 people found the following review helpful
Loved it for a while, BUT... the battery issue is real and not just for
By Purveyor of Obscure Interests on January 6, 2014
Product Packaging: Frustration-Free PackagingColor Name: Pink
We bought this for our daughter. She adored it and cuddled with it every
night for the better part of a year.
Recently I replaced the batteries with new alkalines, and after a couple
days it was acting funny. When I opened the battery compartment to see what
was up, the plastic covering on two of the batteries had melted and
stretched and partly peeled off, as if they'd badly overheated. These two
batteries were also quite depleted. Interestingly the third battery was fine
. All three were brand new batteries all replaced at the same time. On top
of it, one of the springs holding the battery in was discolored and
partially flattened.
We have ONLY used brand new Duracell or Energizer alkaline batteries in it,
never rechargables.
After this happened, I remembered that something like it had happened once
before in the past year. But at the time I had figured it was a fluke, or
maybe something wrong with the batteries I'd used. I put in another pair,
and didn't think more of it at the time. But in retrospect it was the same
The upshot is, the widely reported overheating / fire hazard issue appears
to be real, and not just for rechargeable batteries.
It's a pity, because it's an adorable, sweet little toy otherwise. I'd give
it five stars were it not for the safety issue.
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46 of 57 people found the following review helpful
Had this for over a year
By Jaz on August 9, 2013
Product Packaging: Frustration-Free PackagingColor Name: Blue
We bought this just over a year ago and have loved the product have never
had any problems with it... Until now, I was woken up to the sound of my
daughter crying this morning, which is very unusual for her. Went to check
on her and her room smelt like plastic, safe to say I was freaking out, took
my wee one (who is now 15 months) out of the room while I went to look for
the source of the smell. Picked up her seahorse and it was stinking, took
the cover off it and the battery compartment was smoking, removed the
backing and the spring was orange and had melted the plastic around it. The
whole batter compartment was very hot, I had to remove the battery's and
leave the compartment outside. I have taken pictures and will be emailing
Fisher Price to complain, We have used rechargeable battery's since we first
got this and have never had any problems, I am not happy at all, what if
this had caused harm to my child! It should come with a Warning label!