baby formula contains GMO# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Is Your Baby Part Of A Risky Science Experiment? National Coalition Calls On
Big 3 Infant Formula Brands To Remove GMO ingredients And Protect American
Mounting Concerns About The Health Effects of Genetically Modified
Ingredients And The Herbicides Used In Production Incite Consumer Action On
Top-Selling Formula Companies to Remove GMOs
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WASHINGTON, May 1, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Similac, Enfamil, and
Gerber Good Start – who combined account for more than 90% of all infant
formula sales in the U.S. – are exposing American and Canadian babies to
potentially grave health risks by using genetically modified ingredients,
commonly referred to as GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Ingredients
these companies are required to label or remove in other countries including
China, Mexico, Russia, and the entire European Union.
GMO Inside, a national, non-GMO coalition led by Green America, is calling
on these brands' parent companies (Abbott Laboratories, Mead Johnson
Nutrition, and Nestle), via an online petition, to remove GMO ingredients
immediately as infants face particular health risks when it comes to
consuming GMOs.
GMOs have never been proven safe for human consumption and a growing number
of peer-reviewed studies show the negative health impacts of consuming GMOs
on laboratory animals over their life span. Inadequate research has been
conducted on the health impacts of GMOs on humans and infants; however, an
increasing number of concerned parents and pediatricians have voiced that
using GMOs in infant formula is far too large of a risk to take. Babies are
particularly vulnerable when it comes to consuming GMOs as their digestive
and immune systems are not fully developed and GMO crops have very high
exposure to dangerous pesticides and herbicides such as Roundup. Infant
livers do not reach maturity for about two years and therefore are less
equipped to process toxins in the body, such as the high levels of chemicals
used on genetically modified foods.
"For the infant that is unable to nurse I insist upon an organic commercial
formula," says pediatrician Michelle Perro. "Because of the toxic effects
of herbicides, particularly glyphosate (due to its prolific usage) as well
as other organophosphates and genetically engineered foods in non-organic
commercial formulas, these are not an option for infant feeding. In order
to ensure the health of our infants and children, there is no amount of
acceptable herbicide or GMO that should be in their diets."
Adding insult to injury, these companies all spent money to oppose GMO
labeling in California last year, thus obstructing a parent's right to know
whether or not the first food they are feeding their newborns contains GMOs.
Unlike more than 60 countries around the world, the United States and Canada
do not require companies to label and reveal their GMO ingredients to
consumers. This means that American and Canadian babies are exposed to
ingredients that parents in Europe, China, and elsewhere would never feed
their children. In fact, due to these labeling requirements, all three
companies offer non-GMO formula options to their consumers in Europe.
"It's infuriating that parents in the United States are not given the same
assurances as citizens in more than 60 other countries including China,
Mexico, and Saudi Arabia, when it comes to GM ingredients," says Green
America President Alisa Gravitz, "All parents have a right to healthy food
options for their children."
So who are these companies peddling these unhealthy infant formulas?
Company Name

Formula Brand

Likely GMO Ingredients

US Market Share

2012 Company Sales

Amount spent to oppose labeling in CA (support for "No on Prop 37")
Abbott Laboratories


Corn, Soy, Sugar


$39 Billion

Mead Johnson Nutrition


Corn, Soy


$3.9 Billion


Gerber Good Start

Corn, Soy


$92 Billion

Throughout May, GMO Inside will call on Abbott Laboratories, Mead Johnson
Nutrition, and Nestle to remove their GMO ingredients, while also offering
consumers suggestions for non-GMO choices.
Consumers can sign our petition to the companies here or take action with us
on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GmoInside
GMO Inside is a coalition of businesses, organizations, and individuals that
support a healthy, GMO-free food system. The GMO Inside steering committee
is made up of the following organizations and individuals and convened by
Green America:
Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots community dedicated to building a
sustainable food system that protects our natural environment, sustains
farmers and nourishes families. Food Democracy Now! members know we can
build a food system that gives our communities equal access to healthy food,
and respects the dignity of the farmers who produce it. We believe in
recreating regional food systems, supporting the growth of humane, natural
and organic farms, and protecting the environment.
GMO Free USA works to harness education, advocacy, and bold action to foster
consumer rejection of genetically modified organisms, until they are proven
safe. They support the labeling of GMO foods with the ultimate goal of
getting GMOs out of the food supply and environment. Their current campaign
focuses on engaging Kellogg's to get GMOs out of their entire product line.
Green America is the nation's leading green economy organization. Founded in
1982, Green America (formerly Co-op America) provides the economic
strategies, organizing power and practical tools for businesses, investors,
and individuals to solve today's social and environmental problems. www.
Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) is a world leader in educating
policy makers and the public about the documented risks of GM foods and
crops, as well as the problems associated with current research, regulation,
corporate practices, and reporting. IRT's founder, Jeffrey M. Smith, is an
international bestselling author, filmmaker, and the leading spokesperson on
the health dangers of GMOs. He documents how the world's most powerful Ag
biotech companies bluff and mislead critics, and put the health of society
at risk.
Label GMOs advocates for transparency in the food supply and for clear and
concise labeling of genetically modified organisms. They are the California
grassroots network that helped to lay the groundwork for Proposition 37.
Label GMOs continues to educate in California and provide support for other
on the ground grassroots GMO labeling efforts throughout the U.S.
Nutiva® is dedicated to a healthy and sustainable world, demonstrating
its mission to nourish people and planet by using delicious organic
ingredients, enriching the soil, and donating 1 percent of sales to
sustainable-agriculture groups. Founded in 1999, Nutiva is the world's best-
selling brand of nutritious organic hemp foods, extra-virgin coconut oil,
and chia seeds. Fifteen thousand retailers in the United States, Canada, and
the European Union offer Nutiva products, including Whole Foods, Sprouts,
Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Publix, Safeway, Loblaws, and Amazon.com. Nutiva is
located in Richmond, California. For more information, visit www.nutiva.com.
Vani Hari is a management consultant, food activist writer and a two time
elected North Carolina delegate, endorsed by President Obama. Vani started
foodbabe.com in April 2011 to spread information about what is really in the
American food supply. She teaches people how to make the right purchasing
decisions at the grocery store, how to live an organic lifestyle, and how to
travel healthfully around the world. The success in her writing and
investigative work can be seen in the way food companies react to her
uncanny ability to find and expose the truth. She been featured in the
Washington Times, NY Times, Lawyers Weekly, Prevention.com, NBC – WCNC, ABC
– WLOS, and profiled in Charlotte Observer.
SOURCE Green America, Washington, DC


【在 h***a 的大作中提到】
: Is Your Baby Part Of A Risky Science Experiment? National Coalition Calls On
: Big 3 Infant Formula Brands To Remove GMO ingredients And Protect American
: Babies
: Mounting Concerns About The Health Effects of Genetically Modified
: Ingredients And The Herbicides Used In Production Incite Consumer Action On
: Top-Selling Formula Companies to Remove GMOs
: Share with Twitter Share with LinkedIn
: Share with Repost.us
: WASHINGTON, May 1, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Similac, Enfamil, and
: Gerber Good Start – who combined account for more than 90% of all infant

It's true that conventional baby formulas contain GMO. Even the so called
organic formulas in the U.S. market have their issues. Breast feeding is
truly the best. Yet not everyone can do that. So I will probably still use
some formulas.
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