It is difficult to make the decision. I need more information. 1. is there any bump on the gum tissue? 2. is gum tissue more reddish than other gum tissues at neighbor teeth? 3. is this tooth loose? you can use the finger to move this tooth and compare to others. in addition, the neighbor tooth #K may need baby root canal treatment and stainless steel crown. DO NOT WAIT!!
5 楼
Since your child is so young, I will say try to save the tooth first, however. There is only 50% chance . So as the parents, you need make the decision. Also i think the first tooth from the right, need treatment ASAP if you don' t want lost it.
6 楼
非常感谢大家的建议。以前从来没重视过孩子的牙,总觉得没事,教训深刻啊。这么小 牙就这么不好了。
【在 w*********h 的大作中提到】 : Since your child is so young, I will say try to save the tooth first, : however. There is only 50% chance . So as the parents, you need make the : decision. : Also i think the first tooth from the right, need treatment ASAP if you don' : t want lost it.