2 楼
,开加热型加湿器,给点蜂蜜水。见到的能给5mo baby的OTC貌似只有这款Zarbee's还
【在 s********0 的大作中提到】
: 会咳嗽得呕吐睡着咳醒,咋办?会有药吗去医生那里?
,开加热型加湿器,给点蜂蜜水。见到的能给5mo baby的OTC貌似只有这款Zarbee's还
【在 s********0 的大作中提到】
: 会咳嗽得呕吐睡着咳醒,咋办?会有药吗去医生那里?
3 楼
DO NOT GIVE HONEY to kids less than one year old.
Zarbee's may have product that is ok for younger than one year old.
Most you can do:
1) suction from nostrils (you should put some saline nose spray first, then
suction) don't overdone, it could lead to edema. (2 suctions per nostril
every few hours should be ok)
2) humidify the air if the air is dry
3) make sure the baby get in plenty fluids (at least 3 wet diapers in 24
Zarbee's may have product that is ok for younger than one year old.
Most you can do:
1) suction from nostrils (you should put some saline nose spray first, then
suction) don't overdone, it could lead to edema. (2 suctions per nostril
every few hours should be ok)
2) humidify the air if the air is dry
3) make sure the baby get in plenty fluids (at least 3 wet diapers in 24
4 楼
【在 c***a 的大作中提到】
: DO NOT GIVE HONEY to kids less than one year old.
: Zarbee's may have product that is ok for younger than one year old.
: Most you can do:
: 1) suction from nostrils (you should put some saline nose spray first, then
: suction) don't overdone, it could lead to edema. (2 suctions per nostril
: every few hours should be ok)
: 2) humidify the air if the air is dry
: 3) make sure the baby get in plenty fluids (at least 3 wet diapers in 24
: hours)
【在 c***a 的大作中提到】
: DO NOT GIVE HONEY to kids less than one year old.
: Zarbee's may have product that is ok for younger than one year old.
: Most you can do:
: 1) suction from nostrils (you should put some saline nose spray first, then
: suction) don't overdone, it could lead to edema. (2 suctions per nostril
: every few hours should be ok)
: 2) humidify the air if the air is dry
: 3) make sure the baby get in plenty fluids (at least 3 wet diapers in 24
: hours)
狠下心看了佛山视频带娃回国全程心得分享什么时候才能 511???娃都是什么时候自己睡一个房间的?宝宝妈们都在哪里给宝宝买奶粉和纸尿裤啊?哪儿可以给宝宝买到又暖又软的棉被?我耳力不行啊。。。。。。tears!Cancer-stricken mom chooses baby’s life over hers乳腺炎可以吃通草炖猪蹄不?Amazon 尿布没有30%了?看了新浪上的小悦悦事件中最应该追究责任的是谁的投票,真的很无语8个月是第二个认人高峰么?有baby wipe warmer的deal吗?J2回国接宝宝求教JM都是从什么时候开始补钙?后3个月需要补DHA吗?束缚带和骨盆矫正带加州湾区又地震了怀孕期间用吸尘器噪音大有影响吗?对付overdue的办法哪个最管用婆婆教育我不能宠坏小孩给我讲了个老公小时候的故事