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Michael Desmond - MSDN Magazine
10 Jan 2012 10:15 AM
Last month Jeff Smith wrote a feature article titled How To Translate
Common Design Principles To The Windows Phone. In it, he addresses some of
the design principles of the Metro-style UI, which developers must master to
create effective apps for the Windows Phone platform. As Smith writes in
the article: "Metro not only dictates a visual design standard, but it also
has several navigation standards that developers need to grasp if they want
to develop applications for Windows Phone."
I followed up with Smith to ask him a few questions about Windows Phone
application design.
Michael Desmond: You talk about the iPhone creating its own mobile
standards that developers and designers have been quick to emulate. In that
respect, is it incumbent on these developers to "unlearn" their assumptions
about application design when targeting Windows Phone?
Jeff Smith: It’s not really about unlearning. It’s about thinking more
about what users already experience with their operating systems on their
phones. Mobile development is very new, and for its short lifespan
developers were asked to create applications for iOS. Now with so many
different operating systems, developers need to pay attention to the devices
for which they are creating applications.
Desmond: What are some of the most common design mis-steps that mobile
developers tend to make?
Smith: I think one of the biggest mis-steps mobile developers tend to
make is believing that applications can simply be scaled down from desktop
to mobile. Most of the experience has to be rethought from the ground up to
work properly for mobile.
Desmond: As you note, the Metro UI is based on street and airport
signage. Can you provide insight into why these types of signage were used
as touchstones for the UI?
Smith: A great resource on Metro UI is the UI Design and Interaction
Guide for Windows Phone available here.
Most people don’t know this but Metro is specifically based on the
street signage for Seattle’s King County Metro System. According to
Microsoft it is meant to encompass the following five characteristics: 1.
Clean, light, open and fast; 2. Content, not chrome; 3. Integrated hardware
and software; 4. World-class motion; 5. Soulful and alive.
Desmond: With regard to Panorama and Pivot, can you provide insight into
when one might be used over the other? Also, are there any system
implications with these controls, such as system resource usage and
performance, that might sway decision making?
Smith: Panorama controls are part of the core visual experience for
Windows Phone, though they are not required to be used in applications. The
main difference is Panoramas show hints of the next category and its
contents. Pivot controls simply show you the next category, but not its
contents until you swipe. I think Panoramas deliver a great experience and
great visual effects, but they may not always be applicable to every
You just want to be sure that you use one or the other these controls;
the controls are never supposed to be combined because their gesture-based
navigation would contradict each other. Microsoft did a great job at
creating a high performing OS, so I wouldn’t be swayed to not use either
one of these great controls.
10 Jan 2012 10:15 AM
Last month Jeff Smith wrote a feature article titled How To Translate
Common Design Principles To The Windows Phone. In it, he addresses some of
the design principles of the Metro-style UI, which developers must master to
create effective apps for the Windows Phone platform. As Smith writes in
the article: "Metro not only dictates a visual design standard, but it also
has several navigation standards that developers need to grasp if they want
to develop applications for Windows Phone."
I followed up with Smith to ask him a few questions about Windows Phone
application design.
Michael Desmond: You talk about the iPhone creating its own mobile
standards that developers and designers have been quick to emulate. In that
respect, is it incumbent on these developers to "unlearn" their assumptions
about application design when targeting Windows Phone?
Jeff Smith: It’s not really about unlearning. It’s about thinking more
about what users already experience with their operating systems on their
phones. Mobile development is very new, and for its short lifespan
developers were asked to create applications for iOS. Now with so many
different operating systems, developers need to pay attention to the devices
for which they are creating applications.
Desmond: What are some of the most common design mis-steps that mobile
developers tend to make?
Smith: I think one of the biggest mis-steps mobile developers tend to
make is believing that applications can simply be scaled down from desktop
to mobile. Most of the experience has to be rethought from the ground up to
work properly for mobile.
Desmond: As you note, the Metro UI is based on street and airport
signage. Can you provide insight into why these types of signage were used
as touchstones for the UI?
Smith: A great resource on Metro UI is the UI Design and Interaction
Guide for Windows Phone available here.
Most people don’t know this but Metro is specifically based on the
street signage for Seattle’s King County Metro System. According to
Microsoft it is meant to encompass the following five characteristics: 1.
Clean, light, open and fast; 2. Content, not chrome; 3. Integrated hardware
and software; 4. World-class motion; 5. Soulful and alive.
Desmond: With regard to Panorama and Pivot, can you provide insight into
when one might be used over the other? Also, are there any system
implications with these controls, such as system resource usage and
performance, that might sway decision making?
Smith: Panorama controls are part of the core visual experience for
Windows Phone, though they are not required to be used in applications. The
main difference is Panoramas show hints of the next category and its
contents. Pivot controls simply show you the next category, but not its
contents until you swipe. I think Panoramas deliver a great experience and
great visual effects, but they may not always be applicable to every
You just want to be sure that you use one or the other these controls;
the controls are never supposed to be combined because their gesture-based
navigation would contradict each other. Microsoft did a great job at
creating a high performing OS, so I wouldn’t be swayed to not use either
one of these great controls.
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