【在 w******t 的大作中提到】 : 会的。去老人院做义工时,老华人见到能说中文的义工都激动得哭出来了。随着年龄的 : 增大,说母语的比重直线上升。 : : 我本来对小孩的中文学习不是很上心,可是听说年纪大了以后会先把非母语(比如英文 : )忘掉。真是这样吗?想象一下,到时候自己儿子女儿孙子和自己说的话自己都听不懂 : 了,然后孤独的在美国死去........ : ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.56
29 楼
I went to a nursing home the other day as a volunteer. Dementia is a real disease. One elderly patient seemed to talk forever. She talked for some minutes. Paused. Rewound. Then talked again about the same stuff. She insisted to see her social worker. Other patients were very quite, just sat there and looked at nothing. The nurse or assistant sometimes tried to have a conversation with the "better" patient and asked them their names, their spouse's name, children's names, etc. Not every one remembered those names . . .