三星gs2死机的问题# PDA - 掌中宝
1 楼
SR经历:initially filed on 07/31/2010.这是第三次service request, 前两次按常规流程打电话,发邮件,得到的
是不痛不痒的回复信。等的都有点麻木了,最近准备申请个training grant,需要有绿
前两次是电话转给第三者后才能做)。 这个人似乎非常负责,在电话里能够听到敲打
到Email 说周二就已经发出RFE的邮件, 不知道是不是催了的结果。不到24小时就RFE。星期六收到了信 。 it was made by office #XM1102. 杀手否?
个人的一点总结是 SR 还是有用,关键要找对人,不过全是凭运气。
Paper: 21 papers, including 11 articles (7 first-author, IF 1-5 ), 5 reviews
(4 in Chinese), 5 journal-published abstracts;
Citation:over 110 including around 70 independent ones;
Review: 23 (IF 0-5)
RFE (关键的见附加):
1. Authorship and judgment 过了
2. Contribution RFE 原来花了12页,总共24页还是不行
3. RFE:Continue to work in their claimed area and substantially
benefit the united states
A. Original scientific contributions of major significance in the field
1.Dr. ## has made extraordinary progress in the field of ##. His original
scientific contributions are mainly as follows:
1.1.(paper 1) 2006 Most-Cited Article in a IF around 5 Journal
1.2. (paper 2) TOP25 Hottest Articles in a journal from SD
1.3. (paper 3) Faculty of 1000 Medicine
2. Dr. ## ’s original contribution could be substantiated by the coverage
of major scientific media reports
Faculty of 1000 Medicine, NewsRx
3. Dr. ##’s original work has been used as a basis to design, test and
support important research works by numerous famous research laboratories
several Heavy citations
4. Dr. ##’s original contribution could be substantiated by 2 national
awards he won
Travel award, 省优秀毕业生 (training award 专门说不算 )
1、 我的contribution的结构组织有什么问题?有何建议?
2、最近一年多的citation and review 应该可以用吧? citation和review都多了3
是不痛不痒的回复信。等的都有点麻木了,最近准备申请个training grant,需要有绿
前两次是电话转给第三者后才能做)。 这个人似乎非常负责,在电话里能够听到敲打
到Email 说周二就已经发出RFE的邮件, 不知道是不是催了的结果。不到24小时就RFE。星期六收到了信 。 it was made by office #XM1102. 杀手否?
个人的一点总结是 SR 还是有用,关键要找对人,不过全是凭运气。
Paper: 21 papers, including 11 articles (7 first-author, IF 1-5 ), 5 reviews
(4 in Chinese), 5 journal-published abstracts;
Citation:over 110 including around 70 independent ones;
Review: 23 (IF 0-5)
RFE (关键的见附加):
1. Authorship and judgment 过了
2. Contribution RFE 原来花了12页,总共24页还是不行
3. RFE:Continue to work in their claimed area and substantially
benefit the united states
A. Original scientific contributions of major significance in the field
1.Dr. ## has made extraordinary progress in the field of ##. His original
scientific contributions are mainly as follows:
1.1.(paper 1) 2006 Most-Cited Article in a IF around 5 Journal
1.2. (paper 2) TOP25 Hottest Articles in a journal from SD
1.3. (paper 3) Faculty of 1000 Medicine
2. Dr. ## ’s original contribution could be substantiated by the coverage
of major scientific media reports
Faculty of 1000 Medicine, NewsRx
3. Dr. ##’s original work has been used as a basis to design, test and
support important research works by numerous famous research laboratories
several Heavy citations
4. Dr. ##’s original contribution could be substantiated by 2 national
awards he won
Travel award, 省优秀毕业生 (training award 专门说不算 )
1、 我的contribution的结构组织有什么问题?有何建议?
2、最近一年多的citation and review 应该可以用吧? citation和review都多了3