Windows操作系统垄断地位崩塌# PDA - 掌中宝
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如果在荷兰的国际大公司工作一年,再回美国找工作,不知道困难不? ps: 目前配偶
在美读书,明年五月毕业,会计专业,不知道有opt否? 到时候以F2或者B2签证回来可
Good speaking to you again! I’ve been speaking to my manager about the
video con. Option again, we feel that we can give it a go and see if XX
company will be willing as well.
What he does want is some form writing from your side (e-mail) stating that
you are still very much interested and if you would get the job based on a
conference call interview that you will be willing to move to The
Netherlands and what your idea is on how to arrange with your spouse,
belongings etc. He is a bit afraid that you wouldn’t accept the offer if
you would get it because it is a big step to come over to The Netherlands.
Please let me know and then we can try to set it up!
Best regards,
如果在荷兰的国际大公司工作一年,再回美国找工作,不知道困难不? ps: 目前配偶
在美读书,明年五月毕业,会计专业,不知道有opt否? 到时候以F2或者B2签证回来可
Good speaking to you again! I’ve been speaking to my manager about the
video con. Option again, we feel that we can give it a go and see if XX
company will be willing as well.
What he does want is some form writing from your side (e-mail) stating that
you are still very much interested and if you would get the job based on a
conference call interview that you will be willing to move to The
Netherlands and what your idea is on how to arrange with your spouse,
belongings etc. He is a bit afraid that you wouldn’t accept the offer if
you would get it because it is a big step to come over to The Netherlands.
Please let me know and then we can try to set it up!
Best regards,