低于00的3D打印机# PDA - 掌中宝
普及的最大因素莫过于成本依然太高,相比较现实物品没有太大的优势。为 此
My goal was to build a cheap and inexpensive 3D Printer for less than 100
What are the features of the Poor Man's 3D Printer ?
- Fused deposition modeling ABS/PLA
- Heat bed
- use of open source firmware, modified version of Tonokip
- free host software, Repetier-Host
- bowden-extruder
- max. build size 40mm x 40mm x 40mm
- resolution 0.08mm
- Arduino Board Mega 2560 (on ebay from china): 10 Euro
- 2 pcs. Stackable Motor Driver Shield L293D 6 Euro
- Hotend MK7 MK8 noozle 0,4mm+thermistor+cartridge 20 Euro
- PTFE Tube 4 x 2mm & 2 pcs. 1/8" BSP 6 Euro
- Fan 30mm x 30mm 2 Euro
- MOSFETs,resistors,caps,LEDs,thermistor 5 Euro
Recyled PC/printer part:
- 4 pcs. DVD/Blu-ray drives, with stepper motors ! old cd drives can't be
used because they work with dc-motors
- old PC power supply, 12V/5A and 5V/2A are required
- stepper motor nema17-like from old printer for extruder
- i use a modified gear (see pictures) from an old hp printer for the bowden
-extruder, optional you could get an airtripper extruder for about 25 Euro
Things that every hobbyist has in his garage :-)
- many screws, nuts and washers M3,M4,M5
- lots of wires
- aluminium-sheet for the frame, you can also use wood
- some alu/metal profiles, see pictures
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