坏消息:以后不能坐私家飞机中的Uber了# PDA - 掌中宝
Dear Visitor:
I'm writing to share some important developments here at AirPooler as we
continue our efforts to make ride sharing for private aviation easy and safe
for all involved.
Since launching our service back in April, we've received a great deal of
enthusiastic support from both pilots and passengers. At the same time,
there have been questions as to whether private pilots who list flights on
AirPooler’s system may be violating an FAA ban on advertising by private
pilots. In order to answer these questions, we engaged with the FAA’s top
leadership to clarify the regulations.
In mid-August, the FAA issued a disappointing and confusing ruling,
declaring that cost-sharing constitutes a commercial operation, and thus
appearing to prohibit private pilots from listing flights on AirPooler.
We believe the FAA has inappropriately claimed a rule that does not exist.
They based their ruling on a discussion of a draft regulation issued in 1963
. When the final rule was actually issued in 1964, the FAA clarified that
even though it might appear there was compensation when sharing expenses, in
fact expense sharing was not compensation and never had been.
We are currently assessing a number of options to bring about a favorable
resolution in the near future. We are also in touch with Congressional and
industry representatives, many of whom share our deep disappointment with
the FAA's position.
In the meantime, the FAA ruling does not force us to suspend operations.
The decision to list flights remains at the discretion of individual pilots,
so you may still be receiving notifications in this period.
We will continue to keep you informed of our progress and look forward to
seeing you in the skies soon.
Steve Lewis
Cofounder and CEO