原来房主在进门走道地方装了recessed lights, 把通向阁楼的板子给封掉了。我看附 近卖的和我一样的房子在进门附近的走道上有通向房顶的板子。 我找的是个墨西哥人,一个人做,比较便宜,about $100/drop,连工带料,另加一线从 garage边box to my office加$100, 是yelp上和angie's list上看来的,住oakland, 以前是at&t technician,退休后干这个了,比home theater 的licenced contractor 便宜很多,那些人电话中说$2000 for 6 drops. 做这个最合适的contractor就是这些 home theater的人,他们把电视安墙上,装音响,非常专业墙里走线。 因为上不了阁楼,我这次living room and family room 装recessed led lights, 房 间装吸顶灯都比有阁楼的情况下人工贵。
哦。 怪不得, 俺按字面生义了。。 以为 fireblocker 要用非易燃品。不能用木料 。 刚才查了下。 是要用 2倍厚的木料。 Approved materials. Only certain materials can be used for fire blocking. Of the items listed in the code (R602.8.1), the ones we use most commonly are 2-by lumber, 3/4-inch structural panels, and 1/2-inch drywall. Unfaced fiberglass and mineral fiber batts are also approved if they “fill the entire cross-section of the wall cavity to a minimum height of 16 inches” and are securely installed so they can’t move. (The 16 inches would be measured down from a soffit and up from a tub deck.) But in my experience, inspectors tend to prefer solid materials and would not be likely to accept the use of batts. Approved materials.