fire tv可以root了# PDA - 掌中宝
Fire OS 5 on the Amazon Fire TV 1 and Fire TV Stick can be Rooted
Posted on February 20, 2016
Several people are reporting (and confirming) that the 1st generation Fire
TV 1 and the Fire TV Stick running the new Fire OS 5 software update,
version 5.0.5, can be rooted using the KingRoot rooting app. Fire TV 1
owners have been unable to root their device ever since Amazon patched the
towelroot exploit back in August 2014. This is also the first time Fire TV
Sticks can be rooted through software alone.
If you want to root your Fire TV 1 or Fire TV Stick, you should allow it to
update to the 5.0.5 software version that is currently rolling out to device
and then block software updates. You can then use KingRoot to root your
Fire TV 1 or Fire TV Stick, but be warned that the Chinese company behind
the rooting software has been criticised for being a bit shady. Their
software is closed source, which means nobody knows exactly what it does to
your device. KingRoot also installs some of its own bloatware onto your
device which, while it can be removed, does not bode well for the
trustability of the software or company.
Rbox, the developer behind the new rooting method for the Fire TV 2, has
already started experimenting with porting TWRP custom recovery to a Fire TV
1 that has been rooted by KingRoot. During yesterday’s AFTVnewscast live
stream, I explained how to intercept the 5.0.5 update package which resulted
in podcast viewer Ray nabbing the update URL. I’ve passed the URL onto
rbox so, with that, he should finally be able to create a pre-rooted ROM of
software version 5.0.5 for the 1st-gen Fire TV.
I recommend that Fire TV 1 owners, who wish to root their device, not use
KingRoot just yet. You should update to software version 5.0.5 and then wait
for rbox to release TWRP and a pre-rooted ROM of 5.0.5 for the 1st-gen Fire
TV. Once those are released, you will be able to root your device with
KingRoot and then immediately wipe out anything nefarious left over by
KingRoot when you install the pre-rooted ROM and perform a factory reset.
As for Fire TV Stick owners who wish to root, because that device has never
been software rooted before, there has been no work done towards a custom
recovery or ROM for that device. Rbox has told me that, while he doesn’t
own a Fire TV Stick, he will look into its 5.0.5 update package and consider
making a custom recovery and pre-rooted ROM for the Fire TV Stick. That is
of course, if it’s even possible, which still remains to be determined.
To be clear, I am NOT recommending that those of you with already rooted 1st
-gen Fire TVs update to 5.0.5 ota. If you’re Fire TV 1 is already rooted,
just sit tight and wait for a pre-rooted version of 5.0.5 to be released.
Only those with non-rooted Fire TVs and Fire TV Sticks should update to 5.0.
5, then block updates, and use KingRoot.
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