入侵希拉理邮电的骇客Guccifer被判4年刑期# PDA - 掌中宝
1 楼
对比私设个人伺服器, 泄了国防机密的希拉里反而无罪
Romanian hacker who helped expose Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
Clinton's use of private e-mail as secretary of state was sentenced Thursday
to 52 months in prison in connection to an admission that he broke into
about 100 Americans' e-mail accounts. The compromised accounts included
celebrities, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and family members of
former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush, and Sidney Blumenthal
, a political advisor whom Clinton corresponded with using her private e-
mail account.
full text:
Romanian hacker who helped expose Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
Clinton's use of private e-mail as secretary of state was sentenced Thursday
to 52 months in prison in connection to an admission that he broke into
about 100 Americans' e-mail accounts. The compromised accounts included
celebrities, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and family members of
former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush, and Sidney Blumenthal
, a political advisor whom Clinton corresponded with using her private e-
mail account.
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