捐款给WikiLeaks可抵税 (转载)
捐款给WikiLeaks可抵税 (转载)# PDA - 掌中宝
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: StanMarsh (ojo), 信区: USANews
标 题: 捐款给WikiLeaks可抵税
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 7 11:39:54 2016, 美东)
阿桑奇冒死揭发希拉里贪污丑闻, 让美国人民有知的权利, 对促进民主功不可没.
阿桑奇现在还被关著, 请大家踊跃捐款支持阿桑奇跟媒体公正.
Dear xxx,
Thank you for your generous contribution to Freedom of the Press Foundation!
We'll make sure that your donation is earmarked for WikiLeaks, as you
Spare us a tweet and share on Facebook.
Please help spread the word about Freedom of the Press Foundation to your
friends, family, and social networks. Here is a sample message to get you
started, based on the donation you made in support of WikiLeaks:
I’m supporting uncompromising journalism like @WikiLeaks. Join me and @
FreedomofPress to help change the world.
This email serves as your receipt and confirms that no goods or services
were provided in return for this contribution.
Freedom of the Press Foundation supports and defends journalism necessary to
take on entrenched powers, major corporations, and powerful governments.
This type of investigative reporting is necessary for an informed electorate
, a healthy democracy, and an empowered citizenry.
Your donation is helping to support fearless, uncompromising journalism that
's free from corporate influence and government pressure. Thank you for
making this work possible.
Defending journalism in the face of adversity,
Trevor Timm
Executive Director
Freedom of the Press Foundation
Freedom of the Press Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your
gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Our tax ID number
is 46-0967274. We respect the confidentiality of our donors and do not
share, swap, or sell our list of donors at any time.
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: StanMarsh (ojo), 信区: USANews
标 题: 捐款给WikiLeaks可抵税
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 7 11:39:54 2016, 美东)
阿桑奇冒死揭发希拉里贪污丑闻, 让美国人民有知的权利, 对促进民主功不可没.
阿桑奇现在还被关著, 请大家踊跃捐款支持阿桑奇跟媒体公正.
Dear xxx,
Thank you for your generous contribution to Freedom of the Press Foundation!
We'll make sure that your donation is earmarked for WikiLeaks, as you
Spare us a tweet and share on Facebook.
Please help spread the word about Freedom of the Press Foundation to your
friends, family, and social networks. Here is a sample message to get you
started, based on the donation you made in support of WikiLeaks:
I’m supporting uncompromising journalism like @WikiLeaks. Join me and @
FreedomofPress to help change the world.
This email serves as your receipt and confirms that no goods or services
were provided in return for this contribution.
Freedom of the Press Foundation supports and defends journalism necessary to
take on entrenched powers, major corporations, and powerful governments.
This type of investigative reporting is necessary for an informed electorate
, a healthy democracy, and an empowered citizenry.
Your donation is helping to support fearless, uncompromising journalism that
's free from corporate influence and government pressure. Thank you for
making this work possible.
Defending journalism in the face of adversity,
Trevor Timm
Executive Director
Freedom of the Press Foundation
Freedom of the Press Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your
gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Our tax ID number
is 46-0967274. We respect the confidentiality of our donors and do not
share, swap, or sell our list of donors at any time.