第六届自闭症和阿斯伯格大会——理疗篇 (转载)
第六届自闭症和阿斯伯格大会——理疗篇 (转载)# Parenting - 为人父母
【 以下文字转载自 AutismCare 俱乐部 】
发信人: Seattlian (Seattleite), 信区: AutismCare
标 题: 第六届自闭症和阿斯伯格大会——理疗篇
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 5 12:49:22 2011, 美东)
当时要是录音或者录像一下就好了。 上有录像卖,整个大会是99刀,一个议题10刀。
1)Raun K. Kaufman 的主题讲演:自闭症革命: 给父母的突破性策略 Home of the Son-Rise program 1974
他的主要目的是给他们Son-Rise Program作广告,同时卖书和DVD。他说的有一个思想
Joining: Create relationship: rather than forcing our children to … join
● Participating your child’s repetitive & exclusive behaviors
● “Stop doing what you want, do what I want”
○ They are not psychic reading our mind, not knowing …
■ Why do you want me to do the things we don’t want to do?
Create a connection to enable your child to go your way.
Motivation: customize the presentation of curriculum to match your child’s
highest areas of interest
Marlo Payne Thurman, MS - School Psychologist and National Education
Dan Copes, PhC, MS - Auditory Program Specialist, and founder of The Dan
Elaine Hall - Author, Writer, Consultant, Performer, Professional Acting
Coach, and founder of The Miracle Project
Raun K. Kaufman - Speaker, Writer, Teacher and CEO of Autism Treatment
Center of America™
Alex Doman - Author and Founder of Advanced Brain Technologies
1. Take good care of yourself first, in a good state of mind to take care
of your children
a. Giraffe therapy, horseback riding
b. Focus on finite and clear goals
i. Sensory integration
ii. Reaction oddly to sound
1. Auditory intervention
c. Look to heal yourself, get rest, take one day off every week, take
your spouse to a movie
2. Look at it wholistically
a. Biomedical, organic food
3. Everybody is different
Marlo: Giftness with Social Skill Issues
1. Get their sensory system calm down
2. Learning style differences
a. Turning learning to “Dungeons and Dragons”
3. US college autism project ED
1. Grandson of a doctor who helps kids w/ brain injury recovery
2. Sensitive to the sound world
3. Make therapies from clinic to home
4. Discovered “avoidance behavior”
a. Help calm down
b. Worked to create music intended for these kids to become comfortable
i. The listening program
Elaine Hall:
1. A Son-Rise parent
2. A listening program parent
3. Miracle Project: a socialization program for kids of all abilities,
through creativity (music, dance, drama, filming …) all therapy coming
together in one unique
Q: for Dan, what symptoms are suitable for auditory training?
A: It is not necessarily the volume of the sound, could be the frequency of
the sound
1. Grocery
2. Cafeteria
3. Gym
Do an assessment. Not necessarily a hearing problem, it is about “listening
”. There might be frequencies that are problematic, with air connection and
bone connection.
Q: for higher functioning kids.
A: listening, vision. The higher the intelligence, the higher the
possibility of kids to be sensitive to sounds of higher frequencies. Timing
issues, issue with sound processing, e.g., line and lion (having problem
standing in the line). Thursday morning crash. Some kids have higher energy
to compensate for these kinds of noisy world (for them). Make it least
taxing to their energy system...
Q: Listening program, symptoms and strategies
A: Some environments are designed to make restaurants hyper sensitive so
that customers’ thresholds are hit earlier (for high turnover). Sleep,
nutrition, self care.
Over 60% in the hyper-sensitive → has phobia → avoidance behavior for self
Q: Miracle project. How is it designed not to over-stimulate?
A: Kids entering the program extremely sensitive to sound. Don’t judge
them based on where they are. Help the kids to have self-awareness,
acceptance and self-advocacy. e.g., tell other people to stop those
stimulating activities
Q: Son-Rise program
A: Joining
1. See everything through children’s eyes.
2. Shift from fight or fly mode to recovery mode.
3. Teach parents to create a special play room or focus room, designed
for sensory integration and avoiding over-stimulating, to focus on
interaction. Incredible relief inside the room.
Q: How do you deal with kids who aren’t used to head phones?
A: Dan- when we start, put kids on head phone with long cords (50-foot
cords), so they have a sense of control, and could decide what to do w/ us
following their lead. Create a non-threatening environment.
Marlo- there are two types of head phones:
1. therapy head phones.
2. head phones for blocking noises on field trips, ($3 from Home Depot),
lunch rooms (regular and silent lunch rooms)
Q: Kids with sensory issues, join them?
A: Raun: turn down the head phone? The more we do that (give a quiet room),
the more they could live with sounds? Absolutely crucial attitude: because
they are sensory defensive, your child picks up the sensory invasion (
fighting with spouse etc), → less talk, … → delighted attitude, relaxed,
more interaction → ability to tolerate sounds is higher when with relaxed
Alex: self-fulfilling prophecy. happy, positive experience → put a pair of
head phones in their environment and let them pick, use them yourself as
they watch. Model positive opportunities, never force it. Make it a positive
Q: Autism and musical
A: Elaine- take therapeutic models, meet them where they are and gradually
raise the bar
Music could be helpful for self-regulating. e.g., have a child sing before
every class
Raun: Imagine a quick setting in which you are sick and couldn’t use some
muscles in your legs. Do you want to work your arm muscles or the leg
muscles? Focus on that week muscle using things w/ motivation. Four
1. eye-contact and non-verbal
2. verbal
3. interactive attention span (overlooked)
4. flexibility (transition), the most overlooked
Academics is the low hanging fruit. Would rather have a son socially engaged
with math lagging behind
Q: energy drain
A: No good system to filter. So many open wounds for energy to drain. This
lady had spinal cord injury which requires nerve blocking pads. Get them
healthy, get them rest, … They are dealing with so many places where
energy is needed
Q: Is there a window of time for auditory training? The moderator lady got
her daughter diagnosed at age 7
A: Dan- window is always open. As young as 3, as old as 53. His son started
at age 13.
Elaine: “window of opportunity”. Dr.Stanley Greenspan: there is a
skyscraper of windows … a 75 year-old could teach himself guitar. Time for
joy is right now, you don’t have to wait until he is cured! Find that
miracle, that moment and that connection with your child
Q: What are you to say about adults in the program?
A: Alex- Does brain change over stimulus? Yes. We are sensory beings.
Neural elasticity: if you learn anything, the brain physically changes
Raun- We are treating every child in such a way that they are going to fully
recover, not setting limits on what a patient could achieve
Lady: stay positive, there is tremendous power of mind to heal
3) Implementing Effective Interventions for the Acquisition of Verbal
Featured Presenter: James Partington, PhD, BCBA-D - Licensed Psychologist
and Director of Behavior Analysts, Inc.
下面这个完全是卖书的,半个小时前面一半时间在吹她的Miracle Project,结果7把钥
匙也没讲完。在亚麻上看了,书的评价不高,平均四个星。Miracle Project是把各种
4) The 7 Keys to Unlock Autism
Featured Presenters:
Elaine Hall - Author, Writer, Consultant, Performer, Professional Acting
Coach, and Founder of The Miracle Project
Diane Isaacs - Author, Film and Televison producer, and co-founder of The
Miracle Project, Parent Advocate
1. constant fix-it mode in therapies
2. therapies are valuable
3. Autism: the Musical
4. It is not about how we show up, not about one more thing to get it
5. A full-day workshop
a. Set an Intention
i. Goals and setting a bar is important. But...
b. Acceptance
i. think about the things you are lousy at
ii. focus on the things they are great at
c. Understand the sensory profile
d. Follow the child’s lead
e. Include the child
i. find what the child is passionate about and include that passion in
the classroom
f. Celebrating
5) Panel 4 Discussion: Behavioral, Developmental, and Educational
Jeffrey E. Foster, MS, MA, LMFT - Licensed Individual, Marriage and Family
Sara Gardner - Self-Advocate, Parent Teacher, Coach, and School Consultant
Elaine Hall - Author, Writer, Professional Acting Coach, and co-founder of
The Miracle Project, Parent Advocate
Diane Isaacs - Author, Film and Televison producer, and co-founder of The
Miracle Project, Parent Advocate
James Partington, PhD, BCBA-D - Licensed Psychologist and Director of
Behavior Analysts, Inc.
Kathryn Greenslade, MS., CCC-SLP - Doctoral Student, University of
1. Sara Gardener: art and education. Music → academic. Unfortunately,
arts are the first to cut with budget crisis. Art is really great for
autism healing.
2. Elaine Hall: per Greenspan, the joy changes the brain, relationship
changes the brain.
a. Project based learning. e.g.,dinosaurs: teach everything about them. e
.g., roller coasters, teach everything through it. Find their passion and
use it as a vehicle.
b. Create a mindset (visualize how you are going to be successful).
Practice. Use drama, movement, creative writing.
3. Kathryn Greenslade: SLP covering people from birth to death
a. SCERTS model
4. James Partington: how do you tell a delay? Educational intervention,
what to do?
a. Need to teach something that he could use everyday.
b. Need to have communication skills for them to articulate them.
i. e.g., more complex labeling: a man is over there, and he doesn’t look
very happy
c. Language is social
d. Getting people to pick the right target. The most difficult part
i. e.g., 12 fish, 7 rocks and … How many more fish? She doesn’t
understand and is crying. James: can you tell a little about your backpack?
She couldn’t tell me. What is the color? Blue... What is inside your
backpack? Cereal. What else? … Scarf. What else? Goggles used at the
1. Need skills that he could use: name things in the fridge, microwave.
Ask them about it.
2. Pick the practical targets
5. Jeffery: teachers, SLP
a. Diagnosis and treatment of Elimination disorder: nigh time bed wetter
i. Bed wetting: not usually psychological. So therapies are not useful.
1. Medication to reduce blood flowing to kidney. well over 90% within 30-
60 days
2. There is no need for bed wetters to suffer or wait until they outgrow
ii. Soiling: leak
1. Connected to ADHD/ASD.
2. Treatment: relax, empty and eat correctly
6. Lady (unnamed): elementary schools and colleges
a. Kids do well if they can
i. Johny made bad choice today: don’t say or think this way, which gets
us into reward/punishment model
ii. Focus on supporting and teaching, rather than external motivators
b. Five lagging skills that could lead to behavior issues
i. Langunge, social skills, cognitive processing:
1. Not doing the work, sent to principal’s office
ii. Help them to build skills rather than trying to motivate them
Q: Acquisition of skills. 40% of ASD population is non-verbal. What are your
objectives for non-verbal children?
A: Partington- get them to talk, vocally imitating. Sign language, picture
symbols, PEXS.
Elaine: Take it as “differently able” . Focus on what they ARE saying.
Q: Soiling and wetting: how do you address the behavior issue for the non-
verbal population?
A: Less and less behaviorial approaches now. Moving to picture book/non-
Q: Reward?
A: Jeff- not necessary to set up artificial rewards. The hunt is for how
to get support and work in partnership with other individual human beings.
Helping them set their own goals. Take some pressure off them for being
James: I am a behavioral analysts. It is not about motivation. It is about
outcomes of your behavior. The idea is all our behavior has consequences.
Not use real explicit type of reinforcers. Make the outcome the reinforcer.
How do we get individuals to respond to reinforcers? It is associated with
acknowledgements, smiles, and have them fade in the background.
Kathryn: natural reinforcers - a specific example, a boy in AZ. Had
difficult stringing sounds together. Natural reinforcer: puppy moving on the
computer which he likes.
Lady: help them to feel successful. Be very careful to hold a carrot. It is
very dangerous path to go down. You are taking some enjoyment away from it
James: give her the squish toy, don’t let her earn it. Use it as a play
toy to get communication out of it instead. Make it enjoyable to have you
around them.
Elaine: caution about language - if we don’t say it to a normal child, why
do we say it to a special need child? e.g., non-compliant. Let them have a
choice in the matter. Hate to see children to a place of shame. Respect them
as people first. We are there to help them if they want it. There might be
some day that they don’t want it. They have sense of self, have integrity
Q: Social skills: rehearse for life. How do you support social skills? How
do you do the reheasal for life?
A: Diane - It is all about making you feel successful. Self-esteem. It is
being in the process of celebrating each and every of ….
Elaine: we don’t teach social skills. Develop peer role models. Safe and
nurturing environment and organically develop social skills. Organic,
natural way.
Kathryn: help them to learn social skills. Try to ask them to think about
what other people might be thinking, when they have the language skills.
Social Thinking therapy. What is expected, what is unexpected behavior.
Monitor yourself not to do things unexpected.
James: Look it at a very pragmatic way. What is the effect on other people
’s view on you? …
Q: What is the social skills from your personal experience, given that you
are on the spectrum?
A: Jeff - one of our unique contributions is to have whole family come.
Remove obstacles...
Prepare everybody around him to be more effective.
Sarah: in regards to collaborative problem solving, it builds social skills
. You have to consider both concerns. From my point of view, social skills
is what we do for accommodation for you all.
Maybe they need downtime and don’t want to do social skills with you.
Elaine: if a kid is super loud, have another kid sharing with them what
they are doing is affecting others. At the spot, they have a choice to take
personal responsibility. Empathy.
Q: Bed wetting
A: could be anxiety building up

【在 D**********R 的大作中提到】
: 多谢分享~~~
: 家长病急乱投医,所以才有各种商家的机会啊,不过人家也是用心研究自己认为有效的
: 办法吧。
: 我家从来没试过禁食,因为所有的professional都反对,但是该做的都做了,好像只剩
: 下这个了。
: 难道面粉和牛奶过敏可以没有任何身体表现,只表现在行为上?

Anyone could help?
So which account is better to open?
Brokerage Account
Brokerage/Cash Management Account
It seems the first one only gives you one account, the second one gives you
Would the second one have the risk to mess up with Delta offer? Someone
mentioned it is not qualified because of Cash Management Account. If
openning the second one, is it better to deposit money in brokerage account
instead of Cash account?

【在 S*******n 的大作中提到】
: 我们家的小朋友也没禁食,鸡蛋还吃得不少

【在 D**********R 的大作中提到】
: 我娃鸡蛋过敏,我也很少吃鸡蛋,花生更是两年没碰了。。。。
: 他很爱吃面食,很爱喝牛奶。。。。
