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I earn 200k and my DH [dear husband] earns 200k. Total HHI [household income
] is 400k. We have 2 children. We could afford to send them to private
school, but we would have to scrape and forgo a lot (especially since our
HHI is only 350k after nanny) and we would not qualify for financial aid.
However, if I quit my job and became a SAHM [stay at home mom], we would
have a HHI of 200k, which would put us in the realm of financial aid (AND we
could save the 50k+ cost of having a nanny).
I am not going to quit my job to orchestrate this, but I resent the fact
that private tuition is so high, in part because the people who pay are
financing the tuition of the people who don't pay (including families with
200k HHI and SAHMs). This is all just so screwed up.
I earn 200k and my DH [dear husband] earns 200k. Total HHI [household income
] is 400k. We have 2 children. We could afford to send them to private
school, but we would have to scrape and forgo a lot (especially since our
HHI is only 350k after nanny) and we would not qualify for financial aid.
However, if I quit my job and became a SAHM [stay at home mom], we would
have a HHI of 200k, which would put us in the realm of financial aid (AND we
could save the 50k+ cost of having a nanny).
I am not going to quit my job to orchestrate this, but I resent the fact
that private tuition is so high, in part because the people who pay are
financing the tuition of the people who don't pay (including families with
200k HHI and SAHMs). This is all just so screwed up.
3 楼
花椒中国店有,Amazon 也有
花椒中国店有,Amazon 也有
4 楼
12 楼
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