气死了!!!今天女儿被推倒了# Parenting - 为人父母
很大力,孩子一屁股坐在了地上。老师就只说了“that is not nice”
Tonight when I picked her up,
the last remaining boy pushed her vigorously and suddenly that she fell on
the floor, and her back hit on the cubby.
They were not having a fight or anything, I was checking her bag and the
teacher (Thursday PM) was getting me her stuff.
The teacher said he tends to be "hands-on", but I see this very dangerous.
She only told him "that's not nice"... And I don't feel this is enough to
If I am not wrong, the boy's name is Logan (you can check with the on-duty
What if he attacks my daughter from behind her some day, and that could lead
to serious injury.
I would suggest
1) Inform every teacher to watch this boy's behavior, especially those
backup teachers,
who are not familiar with their personalities.
2) Be precautious with this boy's behavior, because today's accident was out
of nothing and unexpected.
3) If he continues to be aggressive, his parents need to be informed for
further actions.
As a mother, all I want is to make sure my daughter stays in an, at least,
SAFE daycare.
I believe, no parents would want their child to be classmate with an
irrational, agressive kid.
Because I am not familiar with this child or any of her classmates, I can't
conclude that this child always does such offensive things. But I definitely
want to bring this to your attention to ensure my daughter's safety.
I'll follow up with you.

【在 z******2 的大作中提到】
: 女儿2岁,晚上我去接她的时候,另外一个小男孩突然(没有任何原因和征兆)推了她
: 很大力,孩子一屁股坐在了地上。老师就只说了“that is not nice”
: 感觉这个小孩非常agressive,很担心孩子平时被他突然攻击什么的。
: 明天园长和主要老师还都不去,所以我给园长写了一封email:
: Tonight when I picked her up,
: the last remaining boy pushed her vigorously and suddenly that she fell on
: the floor, and her back hit on the cubby.
: They were not having a fight or anything, I was checking her bag and the
: teacher (Thursday PM) was getting me her stuff.
: The teacher said he tends to be "hands-on", but I see this very dangerous.


★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 z******2 的大作中提到】
: 女儿2岁,晚上我去接她的时候,另外一个小男孩突然(没有任何原因和征兆)推了她
: 很大力,孩子一屁股坐在了地上。老师就只说了“that is not nice”
: 感觉这个小孩非常agressive,很担心孩子平时被他突然攻击什么的。
: 明天园长和主要老师还都不去,所以我给园长写了一封email:
: Tonight when I picked her up,
: the last remaining boy pushed her vigorously and suddenly that she fell on
: the floor, and her back hit on the cubby.
: They were not having a fight or anything, I was checking her bag and the
: teacher (Thursday PM) was getting me her stuff.
: The teacher said he tends to be "hands-on", but I see this very dangerous.

只能说 你家宝贝公主还是在家眷养吧 不适合去有其他人的地方 幼儿园尤其是大忌

很大力,孩子一屁股坐在了地上。老师就只说了“that is not nice”
Tonight when I picked her up,
the last remaining boy pushed her vigorously and suddenly that she fell on
the floor, and her back hit on the cubby.
They were not having a fight or anything, I was checking her bag and the
teacher (Thursday PM) was getting me her stuff.
The teacher said he tends to be "hands-on", but I see this very dangerous.
She only told him "that's not nice"... And I don't feel this is enough to
If I am not wrong, the boy's name is Logan (you can check with the on-duty
What if he attacks my daughter from behind her some day, and that could lead
to serious injury.
I would suggest
1) Inform every teacher to watch this boy's behavior, especially those
backup teachers,
who are not familiar with their personalities.
2) Be precautious with this boy's behavior, because today's accident was out
of nothing and unexpected.
3) If he continues to be aggressive, his parents need to be informed for
further actions.
As a mother, all I want is to make sure my daughter stays in an, at least,
SAFE daycare.
I believe, no parents would want their child to be classmate with an
irrational, agressive kid.
Because I am not familiar with this child or any of her classmates, I can't
conclude that this child always does such offensive things. But I definitely
want to bring this to your attention to ensure my daughter's safety.
I'll follow up with you.

【在 z******2 的大作中提到】
: 女儿2岁,晚上我去接她的时候,另外一个小男孩突然(没有任何原因和征兆)推了她
: 很大力,孩子一屁股坐在了地上。老师就只说了“that is not nice”
: 感觉这个小孩非常agressive,很担心孩子平时被他突然攻击什么的。
: 明天园长和主要老师还都不去,所以我给园长写了一封email:
: Tonight when I picked her up,
: the last remaining boy pushed her vigorously and suddenly that she fell on
: the floor, and her back hit on the cubby.
: They were not having a fight or anything, I was checking her bag and the
: teacher (Thursday PM) was getting me her stuff.
: The teacher said he tends to be "hands-on", but I see this very dangerous.
