The Forsakened Story of "Yuan"
The Forsakened Story of "Yuan"# Parenting - 为人父母
Based on a true story
It was a chilling night in a remote street of Shanghai which Yuan strolls
through everyday to return home. The moon was narrow and curved like the
blade of a scimitar casting a dull waning light upon the weary feet of Yuan
after working overtime like any other day. As Yuan walked on silently, but
ceaselessly, there echoes the sound of demonic laughter rumbling from the
few restaurants that still open this late at night. A sudden and
uncontrollable chill struck through this weary man as he again fell in the
retrospect of the last moments that he held on to his soul mate's hands
while it slowly slipped away into the oblivion and lost its precious warmth
that he had ever longed for. He was madly furious at the drunken men who
just raped and stabbed the only person he have loved so dearly and it was
the most important need; to stay and say the final goodbye during her last
seconds that contained his rage; demanding him to chase down and slaughter
the drunkards one by one, torturously. Yet the drunkards weren't any other
man but the high city officials and she was only their servant at the
banquet, so disposable. Yuan found out that his beloved was assaulted
repetitively and dragged out of the hotel she worked at, upon his arrival at
the Hotel with the naïve intention of walking her home after work and
to dwell within another one of the wonderful conversations they always
engross in. Yet he dropped the bowl of warm noodles he had brought for her
and ran off as the bowl shattered across the cement ground, tragically.
Leaving behind a terrified receptionist whose arm was stiffly pointing at a
wistful alley across the street... Yuan was powerless to take vengeance to
the rich and powerful bastards who have a dozen bodyguards wherever they go
while he was only a poor man that received no sympathy, hopeless… For
almost 15 years, he tried to drown himself with endless work after moving to
another city hoping to forget everything and move on. Yet, for almost 15
years, he always had the same flashback of her last three words, so sweet
yet so damn precious and fragile, followed by the most grievous scream a man
could ever let loose, heart broken, shattered in a million pieces; while
the satanical drunken hollering echoed on, oblivious.
Almost 15 years passed; another depressing night, walking past another
deserted road, it was the sound of heavy footsteps and a woman's scream
coming from a nearby Sichuan Deli that awoken Yuan to alertness from that
same relapse. Yuan’s eyes strayed toward the origination of the sound and
his surprised eyes enlarged in horror as four men suddenly erupt through the
glass doors of the Sichuan Deli carrying a struggling lady between their
To be continued…