三十岁当美国国会议员,可能吗?# Parenting - 为人父母
虽然 Elise 爬了大藤,而且成绩很出色(Women’s Leadership Award Winner,
graduated with honor),但她也是移民第二代,在高中就是共和党的铁杆支持者并参
哈佛出了现总统,也可能再出一个美国的女总统(第一个不一定是希拉里,如果 ELISE
她的确有 leadership。
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30岁共和党新星斯蒂芬尼克(Elise Stefanik)在纽约州第21国会选区胜出,成为史上
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Elise Stefanik is a small businesswoman who works in North Country sales,
marketing and management for Premium Plywood Products, Inc., her family’s
company that was founded in Upstate New York over twenty years ago.
Growing up in a small business family, Elise learned, lived, and understands
the values of hard work, perseverance, difficulties, and risk that go along
with building, operating, and growing an Upstate small business that
provides jobs in today’s challenging economy. With over one thousand
customers, Premium Plywood Products is one of the largest wholesale
distributors of hardwood plywoods and specialty wood products in Upstate New
York. Premium Plywood Products’ materials are in Upstate New York homes,
schools, businesses, colleges and universities, hospitals, grocery stores,
shopping centers, restaurants, community centers, military bases and more.
Prior to returning home to New York to work at her family’s company, Elise
held a variety public policy positions in Washington, DC.
Elise most recently served as Director of Vice Presidential Debate Prep to
Paul Ryan where she oversaw all debate preparations for the Republican Vice
Presidential nominee. She served as Director of Communications for the
Foreign Policy Initiative, which launched Defending Defense, a coalition of
think tanks warning of the dangers of the sequester. Prior to her think tank
work, she served as the Policy Director for Governor Pawlenty’s
Presidential campaign.
From 2006 – 2009, Elise served in the West Wing of the White House as part
of President George W. Bush’s Domestic Policy Council Staff and in the
Chief of Staff’s office where she assisted in overseeing the policy
development process on all economic and domestic policy issues.
As the first member of her immediate family to graduate from college, Elise
graduated with Honors from Harvard University where she was only one of
three women honored with the Women’s Leadership Award. She served on the
Student Advisory Committee of Harvard’s Institute of Politics, the largest
political undergraduate organization.
Elise was born and raised in Upstate New York and has worked on numerous
campaigns at the State, Congressional, Senate and Presidential level –
including in New York State dating back to her days volunteering for the
Republican State Committee while in high school. She lives in Willsboro, NY.
In addition, Mia Love, a Haitian-American Mormon, will become the first
black GOP woman to serve in Congress after she won a House seat in Utah on
her second try.
Stefanik is often described by friends and colleagues as “extremely smart,
” “energetic,” someone with “integrity,” “a visionary,” a woman who
has worked hard and earned the opportunities she has received.
She doesn’t talk much about her personal life, other than to say she has a
strong group of friends and a “serious” boyfriend.
“I think it’s important that voters get to know me and my ideas as an
individual so I kind of remain independent on the campaign trail,” she said.
In middle and high school, she involved herself in clubs and played lacrosse
. She loved the performing arts and starred as Gretel in “Sound of Music”
and Peter Pan in school productions.
Stefanik attended Harvard, but she is the first in her immediate family to
go to college. Melanie Stefanik, her mother, said it is incorrectly assumed
Elise and her brother, Matt, who is 24, were “born with a silver spoon in (
their) mouth(s).”
Ken Stefanik, Elise’s father, worked his way up from forklift operator in
another company and left to start Premium Plywood Products, a plywood and
hardwood paneling wholesale distribution business that employs 20. Stefanik
was 7 when her father launched the company.
“They really put everything we had in terms of finances and they took the
ultimate risk,” she said. “We’re very proud that over 20 years later, we
’re still successful.”
Elise attended Albany Academy for Girls and Harvard on partial academic
Her introduction to politics came at Girls Academy, where she started in the
middle of fourth grade. Before then, she attended a parochial school in
Albany but was the victim of bullying, which got so bad her parents sought
out another school halfway through the year.
At Girls Academy, she shadowed a student for a day and took an admissions
test. Before the staff had even corrected her exam, her parents informed
them Elise would be enrolling the following Monday.
“They said, ‘We haven’t even looked at the test.’ My parents were like,
‘The test is going to be fine. We’re getting the uniforms,’ ” Stefanik
Caroline Mason, former head of school at Girls Academy, said from the moment
the fourth-grader arrived, she “set the place ablaze with energy and
“She was nice to everyone. Girls can be really clique-y, and she wasn’t
that person. She was making sure everybody was involved and acknowledged.
She was exemplary in making people heard and valued,” she said.
In sixth grade, Stefanik ran for secretary of student council and won. Her
campaign platform was to bring in a snack machine. She had to negotiate with
janitors and cafeteria workers, since both wanted to limit the hours the
snack machine could be used. The cafeteria staff didn’t want competition
during lunch.
The snack machine was approved and became a revenue stream for the middle
school, which took 10 percent of the sales.
“The thing that was so great is she was not at all afraid to take something
on and kind of fight for it. She was willing to put herself out there. She
wasn’t the kind of person to sort of fly it up the flagpole and see how it
plays and see which side she was going to be on, she had a definite vision,
” Mason said.
At Harvard, Stefanik received a national merit-based award from Coca-Cola.
Her freshman year, she helped to ready the dorms for her incoming class and
used the money she earned to buy her textbooks.
She said she learned quickly she wasn’t the smartest person in her class at
the Ivy League school.
“It gives you something to strive for, but people have different strengths.
You learn a lot more from listening to others and learning from them,” she
Stefanik found her niche at Harvard’s Institute of Politics, founded as a
memorial to President John F. Kennedy’s public service, and gained
practical experience working with former elected officials, pollsters and
public policy experts who visited the campus.
She met Ted Sorenson, JFK’s speechwriter, during the fall semester of her
freshman year. She was the only female freshman who applied to be a student
liaison and was accepted.
“It was just an incredible experience for a young person to be able to hear
someone who served under President Kennedy and had written some of the most
famous words that he had ever uttered,” she said.
Although Harvard churned out a lot of finance majors, Stefanik was
fascinated by the governmental public policy-making process and knew she
wanted to work in Washington. She interviewed at think tanks and for
administrative jobs outside of the White House.
A Harvard alum told Stefanik about a staff assistant position at the White
House. She interviewed but didn’t get it. A second job opened, a week
before she graduated with honors, as a staff assistant for the domestic
policy council and she got it. Meanwhile, President George W. Bush announced
his new director of domestic policy, Karl Zinsmeister, a native of
Zinsmeister was interviewing for a West Wing special assistant to help with
his transition to the White House. Stefanik went in to introduce herself. He
told her he wasn’t happy with some of the more experienced applicants for
the special assistant position but he had been advised not to hire anyone
right out of college. Stefanik told him about her upstate New York
background and her family’s small business. He mentioned he was an amateur
woodworker. At the end of the meeting, Zinsmeister hired her to be his
special assistant. Stefanik was a few weeks short of her 22nd birthday.
“It was kind of a shock to my colleagues,” she said. “The fact that I was
promoted to the White House on my first day was a real privilege.”
A year later, Stefanik went on to work for Bush’s second deputy chief of
staff, Joshua Bolten.
Eighteen year old Saira Blair made history on Tuesday by becoming West
Virginia's youngest Republican lawmaker.
The West Virginia University freshman, who is said to be pro-life and pro-
guns, defeated Democrat Layne Diehl, a 44-year-old Martinsburg attorney, by
63 percent to 30 percent, according to The Associated Press.
Blair is a freshman at West Virginia University. To meet the new challenge,
which is to sit in the state legislature, she is planning to take a break
from her studies in the spring semester. She is going to be able to fully
participate in the 60-day session, which lasts from January to March.

【在 G*******X 的大作中提到】
: 30岁,太牛了!父母是什么地方移民来的?

【在 i*****t 的大作中提到】
: 不是当亿元,而是被选为亿元,亿元也不代表金钱
应该是 选当,先后之分

【在 u*****a 的大作中提到】
: 当选,当选!
: 是当,还是选?
