Prof. Ho's letter (Re: 爬藤)
Prof. Ho's letter (Re: 爬藤)# Parenting - 为人父母
Dear Fellow Chinese Americans*,
I write this with a heavy heart and the future of our fruitful
existence in this
country as a minority population in mind. Whether it is college
admission for our children, welfare benefit for our seniors, and equal
treatment before the law, there are no free lunches. One does not get
benefits handed to you on a silver platter. You do not automatically
get what you deserve but what you are willing to fight for.
Many of the welfare/benefit we and our seniors enjoy today are won
on the lives and broken head and limbs of the African American some 50
years ago. Those of you watched the Selma march commemoration on TV
know. Jewish Americans with only half of the population of Asian
Americans has a political action committee, AIPAC, that operates with
an annual budget 670 (yes, six hundred seventy) times larger than the
Asian America counterpart, the 80-20 Initiative (67 million vs 100K
per year). This is what I hope to bend your ears for just a couple of
minutes of your time.
I have been working continuously with 80-20 since day one 16 years
ago and have witnessed the many accomplishments she has brought about
for our population. These you may know and can find on her website. No
need for me to repeat them here.
A year ago, 80-20 launched a campaign of raising an endowment of
five million dollars in five years, called the SELF fund, for the
organization to insure her long term survival. Sad to say, today the
total raised is way behind schedule. The Board of Donors of the SELF
fund, which is a group of 15 individuals charged with the task of
helping the SELF fund raising, and in which I am a member, realize
that while you can lead a horse to the water, you cannot force the
horse to drink the water. As a group, Chinese Americans are not poor.
But if 80-20 cannot raise fund successfully, then either she is not
doing a worthy job or our message is not getting through. Thus, the
board of donors decided to conduct an experiment. We voted that"each
of us shall do our best to raise $2800.00 in the next two weeks (from
3/11-3/25) for the 80-20 SELF fund". Thus, I am asking you to consider
donating to 80-20 whatever you can immediately. Write a check or make
a pledge payable to the "80-20 Educational Foundation, SELF fund"
As an added insurance that we don't waste your contribution, if 80-
20 fails to reach her fund raising goal, we shall return your donation
in full. And sadly 80-20 most likely will go out of existence. There
is no use to linger on if the population does not support it even in a
minimal way.
As a supporter, I have done my part according to our leader, S.B.
Woo, that is, donate till it hurts. I sincerely hope you can do
whatever you feel appropriate. Many thanks for your time and
Larry Ho
(Emphasis added by S.B. Woo)
Money can buy a lot of things. But freedom, respect and power are not part
of the on sale list. One action of leading a battle is better than a
thousand fund-raising letters in English.
My bold prediction: 80-20 will cease its operation in a year due to
financial difficulties, and fall into oblivion soon after.