totally brain washed, but she is a US president material
Sue de Nim
a day ago
Yes. One thing white folks like me don't realize until it's pointed out to
us is that we enjoy certain advantages that are a legacy of past racism.
Even if racism were completely extinct in today's world (which it's not), we
would continue to benefit from the fact that our ancestors exploited
minority populations, gaining wealth and social status that they passed on
to subsequent generations. If we don't deserve to be punished for the sins
of our ancestors (as opponents of affirmative action insist), we also don't
deserve to benefit from the sins of our ancestors. Affirmative action in
college admissions is one small way of redressing those past wrongs.
I am sure some of my great-great-great parents were abused, beaten, raped
and murdered.
can I get something free from US government?


【在 f**********n 的大作中提到】
: totally brain washed, but she is a US president material
: Avatar
: Sue de Nim
: a day ago
: Yes. One thing white folks like me don't realize until it's pointed out to
: us is that we enjoy certain advantages that are a legacy of past racism.
: Even if racism were completely extinct in today's world (which it's not), we
: would continue to benefit from the fact that our ancestors exploited
: minority populations, gaining wealth and social status that they passed on
: to subsequent generations. If we don't deserve to be punished for the sins

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