[合集] Installation fee for Comcast Internet service
[合集] Installation fee for Comcast Internet service# PennySaver - 省钱一族
alvdena (晕乎乎) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:09:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
My god! There ask for $99 for the installation of the Internet.
Actually, I don't think they need to do anything to activate the Internet
service. At least it shouldn't cost so much.
How do you guys handle with the Internet?
mealone (里诬蔑龙) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:27:30 2010, 美东) 提到:
why my installation fee for Comcast internet is only $25?
sadbird (happybird) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:34:26 2010, 美东) 提到:
I moved to new house and did transfer, first time the sales asked 25 for
installation then I said cancel the transfer. the sales immedietly offered
free installation
alvdena (晕乎乎) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:37:50 2010, 美东) 提到:
wuwuw, I even want to cry.
They are very rude and bad-tempered. It was told by phone that the
installation fee is$99.
Online I was told it's $49.99
Actually, I have Comcast now, but I need to relocate to a new place. That's
why I need to order new service for the new address.
Who can I complain to?
firstsnow (firstsnow) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:38:18 2010, 美东) 提到:
mine is 9.99。search on internet for some more agents. they could've given
completely different offers.
firstsnow (firstsnow) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:39:58 2010, 美东) 提到:
you have installed. then the only thing you can do is complain to comcast.
good luck
alvdena (晕乎乎) 于 (Wed Oct 13 13:43:24 2010, 美东) 提到:
For the new address, I don't have any comcast service. So I am a new
customer in terms of this.
I paid the installation fee for the new address.
How to find the Comcast agent? Thanks.
zvn2008 (zvn) 于 (Wed Oct 13 14:02:26 2010, 美东) 提到:
bactive79 (天南地北) 于 (Wed Oct 13 14:07:25 2010, 美东) 提到:
alvdena (晕乎乎) 于 (Wed Oct 13 14:21:20 2010, 美东) 提到:
79, how to waive the installation fee.
Tell me the trick please. Argue with the customer service?
When I called the number, it asked about the zip code. Then I guess it's
transferred to the local office. I called, both women replied very rudely.
bactive79 (天南地北) 于 (Wed Oct 13 14:29:24 2010, 美东) 提到:
1 你就不要transfer,用ld的名字再开一次
2 去,,,
3 travel call就是上门服务,不要让他们在你的电脑或者电视上做任何操作(一般这
4 自己打电话去local的cs(自己google),直接让他们的tech,手把手教你开通网络
5 local电话最好晚上打,rude的话就换人,我们这里的cs从来就没啥rude的
drew (恰恰是你~~~~C/D) 于 (Wed Oct 13 14:52:41 2010, 美东) 提到:
transfer should be no cost.
cw55 (cw55) 于 (Wed Oct 13 14:54:24 2010, 美东) 提到:
fidelity free installation
alvdena (晕乎乎) 于 (Wed Oct 13 15:09:43 2010, 美东) 提到:
what do you mean by fidelity?
Could you explain more?
cw55 (cw55) 于 (Wed Oct 13 17:43:43 2010, 美东) 提到: