新手问个cvs的问题# PennySaver - 省钱一族
1 楼
上个礼拜eBay 买了1k 的gs,居然漏了,CS 居然说 ebay gc 支付的不给cb。
呵呵,好吧,其实早就想换了,就是习惯了。 刷AA miles 也比1% 强的多。
附CS 邮件
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, it is not possible to earn Cash
Back through Ebates for the portion of your purchase made using a gift card
or store credit as the method of payment. Please see our Help/FAQ page for
more information about earning Cash Back through Ebates. Here is a link:
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
上个礼拜eBay 买了1k 的gs,居然漏了,CS 居然说 ebay gc 支付的不给cb。
呵呵,好吧,其实早就想换了,就是习惯了。 刷AA miles 也比1% 强的多。
附CS 邮件
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, it is not possible to earn Cash
Back through Ebates for the portion of your purchase made using a gift card
or store credit as the method of payment. Please see our Help/FAQ page for
more information about earning Cash Back through Ebates. Here is a link:
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.