We would like your opinion for Extra Bucks# PennySaver - 省钱一族
1 楼
Check your email to see if you receive this survey.
If yes, make sure you have your receipt on hand from the past 7 days.
The survey will ask you what date, what time, what you bought and how much
you spent from your last trip to see if you can qualify $10 Extra Bucks.
If you do not give the right answers, you will only get $2 Extra Bucks.
If yes, make sure you have your receipt on hand from the past 7 days.
The survey will ask you what date, what time, what you bought and how much
you spent from your last trip to see if you can qualify $10 Extra Bucks.
If you do not give the right answers, you will only get $2 Extra Bucks.