让朋友在costco买的他家的gift card可以用吗
让朋友在costco买的他家的gift card可以用吗# PennySaver - 省钱一族
我现在没costco的会员卡了,让朋友买的gift card我没会员卡能用吗?有手续费吗?谢谢

【在 m******6 的大作中提到】
: 我现在没costco的会员卡了,让朋友买的gift card我没会员卡能用吗?有手续费吗?谢谢
A couple years ago, I had a friend buy me a Costco gift card because I
thought I would shop there semi-frequently and could buy some snacks in bulk
. I used the card on that first shopping trip and it has sat half-full since
then. I decided I should go ahead and use it since it is essentially money
sitting in my wallet. That friend has since moved out of town so I have no
member to get me into Costco.
I learned on this site that the Cash Card can be used to purchase things at
Costco, even if you are not a member. I checked the Costco website and it
confirms this.
“Members and non-members may use the cash cards to shop at any Costco
location in the United States, Puerto Rico or on”
I remembered a story a few weeks ago how someone with a Cash Card was not
allowed to enter a Costco. I went to a Costco in [the Southeastern U.S.]
this weekend and braced myself when I showed the card at the entrance. The
employee checking cards said thank you and told me to enjoy my shopping trip
. Good, it seems he was familiar with the publicly posted policy.
I got the items I wanted that totaled just slightly more than the card’s
value so I could empty it out. I got in line and when it was my turn to
check out, the cashier asked for my membership card and I said I didn’t
need one and that the Cash Card would be sufficient. He said the computer
needed a membership ID number and I countered with what the website said
about the card. He called a supervisor over and the supervisor also said I
needed a membership card and asked if I wanted to buy one. I said no, I just
want to use the rest of the value on my card which your website says is
I also mentioned that I got into the store with no issues. He said the door
employee must not have been paying attention (Cash Card is blue, membership
cards are white or black. Seems hard to mix up.) He confirmed that the
website does indeed say non-members can make purchases but that they are
being pushed to always check for a membership and that the Cash Card method
of shopping isn’t really allowed anymore. He said that the website needs to
be changed and mumbled something about mentioning that in some meeting he
would be having on Monday. He did some sort of override and I purchased my
items which emptied my gift card.
I am happy they let me use the card this one time, but anyone currently
shopping this way should be advised that your mileage may vary significantly

【在 o*o 的大作中提到】
: 能。没有。