报个gc fraud 大牛# PennySaver - 省钱一族
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发信人: geohint (geohint), 信区: ebiz
标 题: 报个gc fraud 大牛
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 7 11:52:17 2015, 美东)
还是老印的马工厉害. 是不是现在收gc, kc都要承担很大的风险啊.
A New Jersey couple is charged with stealing more than $300,000 in
merchandise by defrauding the Kohl's Cash rewards program.
Pavan Gurram and Vanaja Gattupalli, who are originally from India, are
charged with 10 counts of mail fraud. Each count carries a maximum penalty
of 20 years in prison if they are convicted.
Gattupalli has been released on bail, but Gurram remains behind bars in
Wisconsin. Gurram has offered to put up $100,000 in bail, but prosecutors
from the U.S. attorney's office in Milwaukee are opposing his release,
saying he is a flight risk back to India. A bail hearing is set for next
Gurram's attorney, Michael Cohn, did not return a call for comment.
Kohl's Cash is a loyalty program that gives customers $10 gift cards when
they spend $50 at the store or online.
The Menomonee Falls retail chain's program has been highlighted by Wisconsin
Gov. Scott Walker as he runs for president. Walker says he was able to get
a sweater for $1 using the rewards program.
According to the court documents, the investigation was opened by the FBI
after customers complained to Kohl's that they were not able to redeem cash
rewards certificates they had received. For instance, a couple reported in
November that they were supposed to have $550 in cash rewards. Their account
showed only $3, according to the complaint.
Records searches revealed the rewards from thousands of cards were claimed
by a computer belonging to Gurram, according to the complaint.
Investigators allege that the couple used cash benefits from more than 7,000
customers between June 2014 and March 2015, using the money to buy
merchandise or getting cash by selling the cards to businesses that resell
gift cards.
Gurran moved "significant sums of money" to bank accounts in India,
according to court documents.
Kohl's Cash program generates a large number of certificates. During the
period of the suspected fraud, Kohl's issued about 4 million rewards cash
certificates per month.
FBI agents think the defendants seized the Kohl's Cash certificate numbers
by using an automated computer process that "located, identified and
provided certificate bar code and PIN numbers for rewards cash certificates
in a sequential manner."
Kohl's loss prevention team tested the FBI's theory and was able to create
an automated process to generate cash rewards numbers and then do a balance
inquiry on the website. Using that process, the team was able to get both
the certificate number and the current balance for about 3,000 Kohl's Cash
certificates — in less than an hour.
A spokeswoman from Kohl's did not immediately return messages for comment.
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