今天看Thom Hogan的D7000 review热血沸腾呀
今天看Thom Hogan的D7000 review热血沸腾呀# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
Nikon has changed their hot pixel suppression scheme (yes!). All of us pros
have long complained about the crude nearest neighbor filter that Nikon
applies on all long exposures, even in raw data. The old method tended to
obliterate small bright detail. For example, dim stars in a night sky. In
some cases, it would put a black pixel in the middle of a small bright
object. Well, Nikon is using a new method now, thanks partly to Marianne
Olelund. A number of us who go beyond pixel peeping (all the way to pixel
examination and digestion) have been complaining about this problem for
years. With Marianne's permission, when I met with Nikon engineers in Japan
in early 2010 I presented her improved method and the case for using it. It
was the one confrontational aspect to my presentation, as to demonstrate the
problem I had to essentially show that the old method was incorrect,
something you don't normally do in a meeting full of Japanese peers, as I
did. Someone in that room lost face because of my presentation. But I was
willing to take the risk (and got about ten minutes of defensiveness and
frowns all around in response). Fortunately, it appears that Nikon got the
message, and has adopted something very similar to what Marianne proposed.
This brings both good and bad news. The good news is that I'm seeing
highlight detail that I don't see from the older Nikon DSLRs in long
exposures. It's especially noticeable in night sky shots. The bad news is
that even with Long exp. NR turned On you'll now sometimes see hot pixels.
Not many or often, but the new routine is not a brutal repression scheme
that kills all bright data. The new routine is allowing true neighbor
photosites to actually deliver more of their data into the raw file, and
sometimes you might encounter adjacent photosites producing a hot pixel. Doh
! I guess we have to be more careful what we ask for. Still, this is a very
positive step forward for long exposure raw shooters. And no, this is not
really related to all those discussions of "The D7000 has a hot pixel
problem." Not in the least. What I'm talking about here is in very long
exposures (one second or more). What all those forum posts are complaining
about, what are they complaining about?


【在 N**I 的大作中提到】
: 里面提到很多似是而非的技术细节:
: Nikon has changed their hot pixel suppression scheme (yes!). All of us pros
: have long complained about the crude nearest neighbor filter that Nikon
: applies on all long exposures, even in raw data. The old method tended to
: obliterate small bright detail. For example, dim stars in a night sky. In
: some cases, it would put a black pixel in the middle of a small bright
: object. Well, Nikon is using a new method now, thanks partly to Marianne
: Olelund. A number of us who go beyond pixel peeping (all the way to pixel
: examination and digestion) have been complaining about this problem for
