请推荐家用小型摄像机# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: yourtt (rainmaker), 信区: USANews
标 题: 一千万共产福利手机.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 30 00:30:20 2012, 美东)
guess who is paying for it.
1.Over 10 million free government cell phones are now in use. Begun in 1999,
its growth accelerated since the first wireless phone was handed out in
2.Government cell phones are offered in 38 states, Washington DC and Puerto
Rico. Expect coverage in all states soon.
3.You can qualify for a free government cell phone simply by accepting other
government assistance such as Medicaid, food stamps, SSI, National School
Lunch, Section 8 Housing, and others. No prof required in most states.
4.You can qualify if your household income is 150% or less of the poverty
level in eight states (Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio,
Rhode Island and Texas). In the other states the maximum income is 135% of
federal poverty guidelines.
5.It's nicknamed the Obama Phone. That's inaccurate, however, because the
first free cell phones were distributed under President Bush.
6.Illegal aliens are welcome. Program rules don't exclude non-U.S. citizens
and there's no verification mechanism. This undoubtedly results in reduced
funds available for Americans.
7.The program is making the world's richest man even richer. Mexican
billionaire Carlos Slim owns Safelink Wireless, the largest company in the
free government cell phone business.
8.The program is plagued with fraud. Here's one example: Puerto Rico has
roughly 4,000,000 people and it's estimated that about 200,000 of them have
fraudulent accounts. More fraud means fewer free phones for those truly in
need. Fortunately, the FCC is attacking the fraud.
9.Oddballs. 38 states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico participate in the free
government cell phone program. In 37 of those jurisdictions, the program
provides a free cell phone and usually 250 free minutes per month. But
Californians pay $1 for 1000 minutes, Alaskans pay $1 for unlimited talk and
text, and Oklahomans pay $2.50 for 250 minutes.
10.If you like free government cell phones, you'll love free government
internet. Cheap internet for the poor is already here, but the FCC has now
proposed a program to offer free internet and low-cost computers to America'
s needy.
Bonus #11. The free government cell phone program is booming. It cost a
relatively modest $800 million in 2008, but government "experts" think it
will exceed $1.5 billion in 2011. disagrees,
and based upon data from the website, estimates that the final
number will be closer to $2.0 billion.