2 楼
The market has crashed. No one knows for sure where the bottom will be or
when stocks will finally bounce. From a sentiment standpoint, we ought to be
Given the current extreme oversold conditions, a bounce higher could be huge
. The S&P 500 could run all the way back up to 1,250 or so (the former
support level on the chart) before running into resistance. That's a gain of
about 12% from yesterday's closing price.
We could try to trade a bounce here. But call options are just too expensive
. Option premiums are already factoring in a big move. Even if we nail the
exact bottom of the market, stocks probably won't bounce enough to overcome
the cost of the options.
Selling put options is a viable strategy. After all, if option premiums are
too expensive to buy, selling them is usually a good idea. But remember…
the market probably hasn't bottomed yet. If we go by previous "crash"
episodes, any bounce will be short-lived. Stocks will drift back down and
make a slightly lower low before establishing a final bottom. That will be
the ideal time to sell put options.
So what should we do now?
There's no need to rush in and try to catch the bottom. The odds of doing
that successfully are slim, and the prices you'd have to pay for the options
are too expensive to create a good risk/reward setup…
As I said earlier, I think 1,250 is a reasonable target for any bounce in
the S&P 500. That's enough of a move to crush anyone who held on to short
trades too long and to get investors all excited about a year-end rally. We'
ll use that enthusiasm to establish a put option trade or two in
anticipation of a decline back down to retest the lows of the current crash
It is during that retest that we'll have a chance to "catch the bottom" and
load up on positions for a year-end rally.
But today, there is nothing for us to do.
when stocks will finally bounce. From a sentiment standpoint, we ought to be
Given the current extreme oversold conditions, a bounce higher could be huge
. The S&P 500 could run all the way back up to 1,250 or so (the former
support level on the chart) before running into resistance. That's a gain of
about 12% from yesterday's closing price.
We could try to trade a bounce here. But call options are just too expensive
. Option premiums are already factoring in a big move. Even if we nail the
exact bottom of the market, stocks probably won't bounce enough to overcome
the cost of the options.
Selling put options is a viable strategy. After all, if option premiums are
too expensive to buy, selling them is usually a good idea. But remember…
the market probably hasn't bottomed yet. If we go by previous "crash"
episodes, any bounce will be short-lived. Stocks will drift back down and
make a slightly lower low before establishing a final bottom. That will be
the ideal time to sell put options.
So what should we do now?
There's no need to rush in and try to catch the bottom. The odds of doing
that successfully are slim, and the prices you'd have to pay for the options
are too expensive to create a good risk/reward setup…
As I said earlier, I think 1,250 is a reasonable target for any bounce in
the S&P 500. That's enough of a move to crush anyone who held on to short
trades too long and to get investors all excited about a year-end rally. We'
ll use that enthusiasm to establish a put option trade or two in
anticipation of a decline back down to retest the lows of the current crash
It is during that retest that we'll have a chance to "catch the bottom" and
load up on positions for a year-end rally.
But today, there is nothing for us to do.
3 楼
手头有50mm f2了,用buycom点数换来这个85mm 1.8,本来想卖的,结果local $340都
你说拆开来用吧,又不如50mm f2,用几次肯定要进防潮箱,不拆嘛,又不容易卖。。。
FT吧,any广角镜 local for trade,屯子的哈哈
你说拆开来用吧,又不如50mm f2,用几次肯定要进防潮箱,不拆嘛,又不容易卖。。。
FT吧,any广角镜 local for trade,屯子的哈哈
4 楼
uscis网站居然显示i90绿卡renew要一年, so that's the official answer.
Yes, if you have valid I-551 stamp.
Yes, if you have valid I-551 stamp.
5 楼
6 楼
你可以 300 shipped 出给我。。。
7 楼
【在 SH 的大作中提到】
: 要去加拿大出差,中国护照i551盖章加拿大边防承认吗
: uscis网站居然显示i90绿卡renew要一年,欲哭无泪啊。。。
【在 SH 的大作中提到】
: 要去加拿大出差,中国护照i551盖章加拿大边防承认吗
: uscis网站居然显示i90绿卡renew要一年,欲哭无泪啊。。。
8 楼
The market has crashed....OMG
最好是原创吧, 不要是哪里的新闻, 那明天又要血洗了
最好是原创吧, 不要是哪里的新闻, 那明天又要血洗了
9 楼
10 楼
12 楼
这是bso有免费85 1.8
13 楼
14 楼
等。等2月4日佳能rebate 结束。
关西好土帅啊金庸这是琼瑶附体吗Canon Rebate问题下一台笔记本估计得mac pro了Canon 60D or Nikon D7000? 主要拍娃和旅游,那个更合适?唉,居然流泪了Caribbean Cruise归来 【多图,慎入】[版面活动]2013总结"重要的是情深,而不是景深"小赵,EM5入了没?圣诞夜。。。扫地大叔Adobe Flash Player真是个烂东西。万佛,有没有支持4G网络的双卡双待手机?前10卷,问题与收获NYC 10003附近求推荐gym 75刀左右 (转载)加勒比7日游Big Value的RX100有中文吗2013年度总结—风光无限Nikon 85 mm 1.8 配D90怎么样?技术问题,怎么贴一段文字,一张照片,然后又是一段文字,一张照片的。版上有人用Lumia 1520吗?