吐槽:paper被退了两篇# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
1 楼
原因有二:1 语言烂;2 review的都是US的研究,UK相关研究结论都是相反的,我都没
提,说俺的一看就是literature review做得太不够。significantly developed from
other attempts to do the same - for example: zzzzzzzz Many of these examples
are from the UK, but there are many other examples from around the world
that could also be included
俺知道投稿要投其所好研究杂志的editor,reviewer,writer, and reader。不过某
reviewer也太不客气了,给一堆感叹和反问,全是I disagree, I don't understand,
your description is false……
原因有二:1 语言烂;2 review的都是US的研究,UK相关研究结论都是相反的,我都没
提,说俺的一看就是literature review做得太不够。significantly developed from
other attempts to do the same - for example: zzzzzzzz Many of these examples
are from the UK, but there are many other examples from around the world
that could also be included
俺知道投稿要投其所好研究杂志的editor,reviewer,writer, and reader。不过某
reviewer也太不客气了,给一堆感叹和反问,全是I disagree, I don't understand,
your description is false……